February 12, 2017

If You Knew {Week 5}


Image result for swing

I took my girls to the park this week.  I am embarrassed to admit it had been a long time.  A really long time!

And as I was swinging with them, emotions overwhelmed me.  My girls are big now and don’t need me to put them on the swing or push them.  Somehow, over the course of time, I have waited myself right out of some precious memories with my babies.

I waited for the weather to get cooler.

I waited for the weather to get warmer.

I waited for my girls to accomplish their to do list.

I waited for my schedule to have an opening.

I waited until I felt like it.

I waited.

And in the waiting, I missed the giggles between cries of,  “Push me higher mama.”  And the constant pleading, “Watch this mama, watch this!”

I tell them I’m sorry we haven’t done this more.  I promise to get better creating these moments.  Because I don’t want to wait myself out of moments anymore.



In depth

  • Read 1 Samuel 15
    • Who are the key players in this chapter?
    • What are the major events?

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  • Reread verse 5 (1 Samuel 15:5)
    • The word wait here is
      • Riyb rub – to grapple/wrangle
      • It is the same word used In Gen. 26:20 (strive) and Exodus 17:2 (chide)
    • How does this idea of waiting tie in with the lessons on waiting from Esther?
    • What parallels are there between Saul/Agag (Agag is most likely a title for the leader such as Pharaoh) and Mordecai/Haman?
      • What lesson can we apply to our lives from the relationship of these men?


Feeling ambitious?

  • Read
    • Joel 2:28
    • Matt. 3: 11-12
    • John 14:16
  • What do these verses have in common?
  • What are the circumstances surrounding these words?
  • How do these verses relate to Acts 1:4?

About theBlessedMess

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