July 28, 2017

Consider {Week 7}



What thoughts and feelings surface when you encounter this word?





Authority often brings strong emotions and actions.  We either accept and submit to authority, or we dig our heels in and rebel against it.

Unfortunately, my track record is filled with heel marks.

I was a fairly good kid – minding my parents and following the rules.  It was pretty easy to do when daddy threatened boarding school for rebelliousness.

Yet, somewhere along the way, I realized I knew better than those in authority.  My way worked best.  My way produced optimal results.  My way made sense (to me).

Clearly I was a model employee.

It is embarrassing to count the number of situations where I flat out told my boss – you know, the one in authority – “no” to an assigned task or way of implementing procedures.

Here’s a reminder on authority:

Authority is the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. (Merriam-Webster)

And another interesting tidbit on authority…

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” Romans 13:1

Every time I refuse to submit to a person placed in authority over me, I am actually refusing to submit to God. 1 Peter 2:13 tells us, “Be willing to serve the people who have authority in this world. Do this for the Lord.” ERV

Such a hard lesson to learn – at least it has been for me. Which is probably why the Lord has consistently provided opportunities for me to choose to grow in this area.

One such opportunity appeared this week. A simple request was asked of me by a person in authority and required a response on my part. Feelings and emotions immediately came into action, because it involved an area I’m invested in and passionate about and would be a different path than I would have suggested.

I didn’t say yes and I didn’t say no. Yay me, right? What I did say was, “I’ll pray about it.”

Because I am slowly and agonizingly learning my way is often not God’s way. And I desperately must seek His way when making choices.

But honestly, I did not have a choice to make. That deserves repeating. I DID NOT have a choice to make.

Someone in authority asked something of me. What they asked was not against God’s Word, would not cause me to sin, and was needed for the better of the whole. No choice necessary. The answer is simply yes. Yes, because God has placed this person in authority, and I trust God.

So maybe, just maybe, I’m learning. It’s a process (a slow process), but one worth the effort.



Read the following verses and list everything revealed to you about wisdom.

  • 1 Corinthians 1: 20-21
  • 1 Corinthians 2:14
  • Romans 1: 18-25

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What are some areas that hinder our acquisition of wisdom from above (God’s wisdom)? Use the following verses to help you.

  • 1 John 2: 15-17
  • 1 John 3: 7-10
  • 1 Corinthians 2: 6-16

Feeling ambitious?

Choose one of the following passages to study. What do you learn about wisdom from this passage? Do you have any characteristics similar to the person(s) in the passage?

  • Numbers 12 (Miriam and Aaron)
  • Numbers 16 (Korah)
  • 1 Samuel 18 (Saul/David)
  • 1 Samuel 25 (Nabal)
  • 2 Samuel 15 (Absalom)
  • 1 Kings 12 (Rehoboam)


About theBlessedMess

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