October 13, 2017

Take the Hair {Face2Face – Week 5}






First haircuts were always a huge deal in my family. Most of the time we waited until after the first birthday. Grandmas, aunts, and cousins witnessed the milestone, and the first clippings were carefully placed inside an envelope. Sealed and dated, the envelope found its way to a safe place for storage.

Recently, I witnessed an interesting exchange between a mother in law and her daughter in law. Apparently my family’s tradition was not original, because this mother in law was sweetly attempting to pass on an envelope of her son’s clippings. Sadly, the daughter in law responded with disgust and refused to accept the ‘gift’ with an emphatic NO!

The idea of accepting decades old hair repulsed the young woman, and she didn’t appreciate the value in preserving these locks. The more her mother in law encouraged, the sterner she replied.

My grandmother was the guardian of my clippings. Growing up, she often pulled out the envelope with my hair and told the story of my first haircut. She loved sharing that story. A few years before she passed, she gave the envelope to me so I could continue sharing the story with my own children. (who, by the way, have envelopes of their own….)

So I understood the tradition of hair clippings and what it meant to pass them along.

But I also understood why the daughter in law rejected the envelope. It didn’t make sense to her. I’d been in this position too.

When I was pregnant with my first child, a family member traveled many hours and states to visit. She brought a paper bag displaying little girls in tutus standing at a ballet barre. She thought we could frame it for my daughter’s nursery.

Of course, being a first time mom, I knew everything and had the perfect plan in place for decorating. I kindly said, “No thank you. That is not the direction we are going.”

At first, I was oblivious to the hurt my words caused. Even when everyone in the room was encouraging me to take the bag, I still refused. It didn’t take me long to realize how bratty and hurtful I behaved. But then it was too late to do anything, but apologize. Oh to go back and change that initial response now.

Believe me – I would gladly accept the bag.

This precious woman had thought enough about me to travel halfway across the country and bring a sweet gift. It meant something to her, and I rejected her thoughtfulness.

How often we do this with one another.

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We do this with the Lord too. So often His gifts are not the gifts we want. We turn up our noses and reject what He offers, and at times let anger set in instead of gratitude.

What would it look like if we would become a people of gratitude? If we saw value in what others offer us?

What if the daughter in law had accepted the envelope with a simple thank you? If I had done the same with the ballet bag?

Here’s some friendly and loving advice – (take it or not)…..

TAKE THE HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!


• Read 2 Kings 17: 1-41
o Create an outline of major points from the chapter.
o What similarities does this chapter have with Isaiah 6?
• Read the following verses.
 Gen. 18:27
 Gen. 32:10
 Job 40: 1-5
 2 Sam. 7:18
 1 Tim. 1:15
 Luke 5: 8-11
o What is the common theme in these verses?
o Which verse do you relate to the most?

Feeling ambitious?
• Read Deut. 28
o Make a list of the blessings and curses given in this chapter.
o What curses are seen in Isaiah 6?
o What does this tell you about God and His word?

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