October 8, 2018

Immediately {Week 6}


In the English dictionary Miracle is defined as “an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws.” Such events may be attributed to or caused by God Himself. The pages of scripture are permeated with miracle after miracle, evidence of God’s authority. Even today as we watch the news, scroll through the internet, and follow up on the latest social media platforms- we witness miracles performed throughout our society. Today I am here to share my story, and to give God the glory for one of the greatest miracles that he has performed in my life. 

When I was 3 months old I was diagnosed with an untreatable condition known as Optic Nerve Hypoplasia and Septo Optic Dysplasia. The doctors informed my parents that my optic nerve (the nerve that transmits the images that my eye captures into my brain) was very underdeveloped. 

This caused me to be born blind.

 My parents were told that I would never be able to ride a bike, read a book, drive a car, and the odds of me even seeing light were very slim. 

They began praying this wasn’t all God had in store for my life. I started therapy a few months later and learned how to face my fears of noise and texture along with many other social aspects of everyday life. As I began to grow and started school, I learned how to walk using a cane and read Braille. I grew up in a world of darkness and blur.  I learned how to adapt to my disability and lived my best life without vision. 

From the time I was born and every month of my life up until this point my mom would research cures for my diagnosis. Sadly her searches never produced encouraging information.

January of 2009 something changed. One of my mom’s routine internet searches gave us all hope. The website advertised stem cell therapy in China where several successful outcomes of children with similar cases had occurred. My mom made some calls and did some more digging and in a matter of 6 months, God provided a way for my mom, dad, and I to travel halfway across the world and embark on this life changing adventure. 

I stayed in China for a total of 34 days and received 7 stem cell treatments. A few days after my third treatment I began to notice some improvement beginning to occur.  I could see light out of my left eye which scared me more than anything. The moon was a big shock too. Who knew it was so bright at night! And when I noticed the highlights in my mom’s hair and the glasses on my dad’s face, my parents cried with joy. From then on, even after we came back to the states, I had numerous moments where I saw something new. In fact, I still see little improvements in my vision every day. 

I do not have 20/20 vision, but I can see the sunlight, read books, ride a bike, and drive a car, all very successfully. Through this journey God not only opened up my eyes to the world around me, but also to the greatest miracle which was the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our savior. These events have caused me to realize that we truly do serve a mighty and powerful God who is capable of any miracle- no matter how impossible it may seem. 


immediately more

  • Read Matthew 25: 14 – 30
    • What did each servant do with what they were entrusted?
      • What was the master’s reaction to each servant’s choice?

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    • What has God entrusted to you?
      • What are you doing with it?
  • Read Hebrews 11: 1 – 12
    • List out what each person did by faith.
    • What is the reasoning for their faith?
    • Choose one of the people you listed and read their story in scripture.
      • What character traits do they possess?

About theBlessedMess
1 comment
  • Joni says:

    You have truly been a God send to our family , Carlie , our precious first granddaughter and to read your testimony brings tears to my eyes. Happy tears to see how you give God all the glory for what He has done for
    you. Thank you for sharing this blog. I love you bunches ! Nina

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