January 19, 2019

Pondering Obedience


Have you ever wondered what total obedience to the Lord looks like in your life? This question plagued my thoughts starting in December.

As Christmas approached, I felt compelled to spend the 12 days of Christmas (beginning Christmas Day) completely surrendering in whatever God asked me to do.

No holding back.

No second guessing.

No arguments.

No buts.

Visions of grandeur overwhelmed me. In this total surrender, God would shatter my comfort zones – turn fear into faithful steps– lead me on an adventure.

Surely numerous opportunities would present themselves for me to tell others about Jesus. I would serve in places that made me squirm with self-doubt causing complete reliance on Him.

I know God rarely does the expected, but what He led me through in those 12 days was definitely unexpected and shattering. Not even a little bit close to my visions of grandeur.

Instead of calling me to service and heart pumping adventure, He caused me to be still – reflecting on all the ways I had been completely disobedient to Him.

Devastating events took place around me to people I love. In the grief, God brought to mind ways He had called for action, and I constantly responded, “When the time is right.”

Yet God is the God of time. He holds every second in His hand. We are not promised tomorrow.

In the book of James, we are told – “…you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes, James 4: 13-14.”

Even knowing this – I continued postponing obedience. And now – circumstances occurred that made obedience in these particular situations impossible.

Opportunities vanished.

The window open was now sealed shut.

For 12 days I confessed where I failed Him.

Repented for repeated disobedience.

Vowed to live bolder in obedience with less fear and more faith.

What about you?

Is there an area you know God has called you to obedience and the response to Him is when the time is right?

The moment we hear Him say “Do” or “Go” is the right time.

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Don’t wait.

We are but a mist here for a little while.

Make it count.


Read Luke 15: 11 – 32

List every ‘but’ and ‘then’ and what follows.

What is occurring after each?

How does the narrative change with each of these words? Write out the characteristics of the father.

What encourages you about his character?

Open the following article and read the retelling of ‘The Prodigal Son’ by Philip Yancey.


Does this retelling reveal new insights into Luke 15?

Listen to the following link by Phillips, Craig and Dean.


Write out a prayer thanking God for His faithfulness.

Read Ezekiel 34: 11-24

List everything the Lord says He will do and why.

Are you willing to pray hard prayers for yourself and your loved ones?

A prayer for complete brokenness in any area of disobedience.

A prayer for whatever it takes to come back to the father.

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