February 1, 2019

What’s Your Favorite Possession?


I was chatting with a friend recently – discussing our favorite earthly possessions.  A really hard question without ample thinking time.

Having recently received an Apple Watch, my friend chose this as her current favorite. It was helping her break an increasing iPhone habit.

I came up with several for my own list:

My Bible.

The uniform my daddy wore when he was lead singer in his band.

My daddy’s guitar.

My wedding ring.

This list doesn’t change, but I’m constantly adding to it.

What about you?

What is your favorite possession?


Did you choose it yourself?

Receive it as a gift or inheritance?

Do others know how important this possession is to you?

What will you do to protect it?

1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

God has a possession that He chose.


He chose you for Himself and cared so deeply for His possession He sent His only Son to die to protect you.

This challenges my thinking on the possessions I listed.   Because when I really consider my list – the actually thing is not what is important to me.

The band uniform is faded and most likely contains some moth holes – things of earth tend to do that.  I love the uniform, because it reminds me of the man who wore it. When I see it, I’m remember my daddy singing at church, in the car, around the house….

Same with the guitar.  There was never a holiday that guitar wasn’t strummed and a family sing-a-long followed.

My wedding ring – glistening with memories of young kids inexperienced with life – continuing forward on a journey together into unknown territories….

And my Bible.

Pages filled with scratchy notes – underlines in various colors – and Post-its.

There is a memory on every page of a time spent with the Lord.  Times of joy and tears. Times of reprimanding and learning. Memories.

The memories of lives lived out through history on the pages of scripture.

Does your possession call to mind sweet memories for you too?

We would love to hear about it.  If you have a favorite possession, please share it with us at blessedmess.us@gmail.com.


  • In Genesis 47: 6 and 10, Jacob blesses Pharoah.

    • Read 1 Timothy 2: 1-2.

      • What do these verses urge us to do?

        • List the 4 things to be made on behalf of all men.

        • List the 2 positions specifically stated.

        • List the 4 benefits of obeying this.

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      • How does God see obedience to these verses?

    • Write out a prayer for those in authority in any area of your life that comes to mind.

  • What do the following verses have in common?

    • Genesis 47: 14, 20, 23, 24.

  • Read the following verse(s):

    • Psalm 22: 4-5

    • Psalm 31: 8

    • Psalm 37: 3-6

    • Psalm 121: 1-2

    • Isaiah 41: 9-10

  • How do these verses advice us to live?  

  • What are the similarities and differences between these verses and Genesis 47?

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