August 30, 2018

Immediately {Week 1}


This morning, I’m finding it hard to resist reminiscing over this past year.  Exactly one year ago today, my husband and I stood in waist deep water in our home.  Hurricane Harvey had poured through our doors overnight taking everything in his path with him.  We navigated through the floating furniture and assessed the damage. 

 There was a lot.

I’m sure you are no stranger to unexpected situations in life.  As a matter of fact, we are guaranteed them.  Jesus tells us in John 16:33,  “…in this world you will have trouble.”  No way around it.  What matters is our response when a crisis occurs.

Throughout the days and months post Harvey, situations and encounters never expected popped up constantly.  With each one, an immediate choice was often required, and boy was it difficult at times making the right choice.

How do you find yourself responding when life blind sides you?  Do you find it hard to resist acting out in anger, frustration, negativity, impatience, weariness, and/or jealousy?

I wish I could tell you how successful I was resisting acting out from these emotions.

I wasn’t.

At least not consistently.

Yet in the times I did remember and rely on God and His Word to carry me through the moment, I saw His faithfulness and love so clearly displayed.

And looking back now, His hand in every step we endured is apparent in more ways than we realized.

Do you know His faithfulness? 

Jesus is real.  His sacrifice for you and me is real.  He alone provides strength and courage for the hard times we endure.

Maybe you (like me) have difficulty resisting acting out negatively from emotion.

He will help us resist.

He set the example for us to follow and provides the words of encouragement we need in every situation.

Check these out…


“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.”  Colossians 3:3


“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”  Ephesians 4:29


Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  John 14:27


“In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,”. Ephesians 4:26


Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.” Proverbs 14:29


“It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.”  Psalm 18:3


“And I saw that all toil and all achievement spring from one person’s envy of another.  This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”  Ecclesiastes 4:4


“‘Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!’”  Mark 9: 24

Whatever you face, God has the answer.

I write this sitting in our restored home – different with imperfections.

Both the house and me.




Working on resisting the desire to relive those emotions of last year over and over again today.

What about you? What are you resisting today?



For further study:

  • Read Zechariah 3:1 – 7
    • The word accuse in verse 1 is translated resist in the KJV.  It is the Hebrew word watan meaning accuse, attack, and be an adversary.   (What does 1 Peter 5:9 tell us?)

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  • Write out everything the Lord says in Zech. 3: 1-7.
    • How can His words assist you in resisting?
  • Read Luke 21: 10 – 24
    • What does Jesus tell us specifically in verse 15?
    • The Greek word for resist is anthistemi and means oppose or withstand.  I love the compound word withstand
    • With = accompanied by, possessing something
    • Stand = an attitude toward a particular issue; a position taken
    • If we could only remember in times we need to resist that Jesus accompanies us through His Spirit helping us stand in an attitude of agreement with Him.
  • Write out everything Jesus tells us in Luke 21:10-24.
    • How can His words assist you in resisting?
  • Read 2 Timothy 3:8
    • What did Jannes and Jambres oppose (resist)?
    • See Exodus 7:11  – Jannes and Jambres are believed to be among this group.
  • Spend time in prayer asking the Lord to reveal what truth you are opposing.  Find scriptures to saturate you in that truth.

August 23, 2018

It’s 2:00 Until It’s 3:00



Summer’s busyness has left little time for reflection. Maybe you are in the midst of an overly saturated schedule as well. As a new school year approaches, I am forcing myself to pause for a moment or two and remember these last couple of months, because they were life changing. Yes, roll your eyes, I know this is a trite expression used for almost anything these days.

Yet it is the only phrase I can possibly use to describe this Summer.

Flexibility is not a strength of mine; I admire people who go with the flow and adapt quickly when necessary.

This. Is. Not. Me.

My family went to Ecuador on a mission trip. My husband and I wanted to go on mission for years, but we really wanted to take our children with us. This trip allowed for children to go as well, so we were completely excited. We planned, met with the rest of the team going, and had a detailed schedule in hand.

I like schedules.

The day we flew to Quito, we learned the pastor hosting our group in his home had lost his mother. Flexible was apparently our new “go to” word.

The lengthy flight provided ample time for contemplation on the work we were going to do. Sadly, I was feeling a little proud that our family was engaging in this mission. I imagined the impact we would have sharing the gospel with people in the communities.

The first morning was an outdoor church service. The pastor hosting us did not attend – he was at his mother’s funeral. After the service, we sat on the ground sharing a meal with all who came to worship and attempted to re-plan our days. The plan included one item – be flexible.



Our first outing was delivering love bags to homes. We loaded a bus and headed to town. We didn’t know much about the homes we were visiting. Since there were about 20 of us with translators and interns, we knew it didn’t make sense for all of us to swarm in on the homeowners. When we arrived at the first stop, our leader told us our family was up first. Our family of four plus a translator got off the bus.

We were met outside the home by the homeowner and invited to the back of the house. We were told by our translator the homeowner wanted to share his story with us. Now wait a minute! I thought we were the ones coming to share…

The back of the home housed a cement trough used for dishes, bathing and water storage. The homeowner shared there had been an explosion which caused debris to fall on his home. The debris had also fallen on his daughter who had been standing at this trough. She had been in a coma and her face had been disfigured. Though she had eventually regained consciousness, her scars were far from healed. In addition to the physical harm, their home had been destroyed.

My heart raced and icy fingers crawled up my back – this was no chance encounter meeting this family. The man invited us inside to see the damage; their home was unlivable. As we stood in what remained of a living room, my husband quietly asked if we could share a story with them. He had read my mind. When they agreed, he told them how our home had been severely damaged in a flood caused by a hurricane. Hurricane Harvey had stormed in bringing four feet of water in our home just months before we took this trip. My husband shared how we had lost a lot. Yet, my husband had more to offer; he shared how every single step of the recovery and rebuild, God had provided in ways we could never have anticipated. From the amazing people who came to help to the speediness of a rebuild – God provided for us.

In this room with complete strangers, we cried tears of unity – unity of destruction and unity of hope. We prayed for one another, shared the food basket and left overwhelmed with emotion.



There were numerous encounters similar to this. Moments only God could appoint and prepare long before our arrival to this beautiful city. By the end of day one, I knew there was so much more here for me than anything I was bringing to the trip. But there was one moment – one encounter – that truly changed my perspective – that was that life changing moment…

Toward the middle of the trip we headed by bus toward a town embedded in the side of a mountain. The bus had to stop at the top of a dirt path, and we walked the rest of the way down to visit the home. Pulling the curtain aside (literally the front door), we entered the home ready to share the gospel. By this point, we all had a lot of practice sharing Jesus. Two young girls, both with small children were our listeners. One child was about six weeks old and I couldn’t help but grab the little baby boy and love on him for awhile. We talked to the moms about their love for these sweet boys playing around us and the one in my arms. We asked if there was anything that would stop them from loving these babies. They looked at us like we were crazy and said very emphatically, NO!

We explained that it is the same with Jesus. He loves us completely, and there is nothing we could do to change that. They both prayed to accept Christ and as much as I hated to do it, I had to give the baby back.

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As we headed to the door, the translator grabbed my arm and said the homeowner had asked for me to stay behind – send everyone else out- you stay. I’d be lying to say my heart didn’t increase its beat a touch. I shared with the group I was staying back a minute (but I might have suggested they stay close).

Once everyone left, the homeowner looked me in the eyes and pleaded I speak with the young woman with the baby I had held. There was an issue in her life that needed some specific guidance and prayer. In the last several years, God has allowed me to be part of situations I normally would not encounter. When the homeowner shared the situation, it was one the Lord had put in my path numerous times before. He had prepared me for this. He had given me words and scriptures repeatedly for this moment – such a time as this.

Getting to my knees on the dirt floor, the translator and I shared what God said about this sweet mom’s beauty and worth. That she was a child of God who was fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, (Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:14). We cried together – we prayed together. We told her steps to take for her specific situation.

It took everything within me to walk out of that home. I wanted to cling to this woman and love on her until she got it. I knew I might never know if she listened – had really heard – and got help – stayed faithful to the decision she made for Jesus.

I don’t know how I made it up the mountain, but I do remember falling into my husband’s arms- holding on to him as tightly as possible, because I had been broken. God had completely split my heart open – sifted out a lot of ugly gunk residing there for a while, and began preparing it for new work He alone can and will do.


Perspective changed.

Priorities changed.

God’s way works. It always works. I just had to get out of the way and submit to His plan. Complete obedience – all the time.

Flexibility is key.

How many moments we would have missed adhering to a schedule.  Moments appointed before we ever stepped foot on a plane.

Not long into the trip, we realized a set time was irrelevant. Loading the bus at 2:00 might actually turn out to be 2:50, hence the phrase “it’s 2:00 until it’s 3:00.” Time really didn’t matter as long as God was ordering our steps. His timing is perfect.

And because He is such a good and loving God, a few weeks after we were back home I received word of the sweet young woman in the difficult situation. I had prayed for her and longed to hear something about her life.

A picture was sent of her and her son standing with the a group of people – a groups of people that had started a new church on the side of that mountain. Her smile was radiant.

So was mine!


The church started on the side of the mountain!


February 23, 2018

Legacy: A Combined Mother/Daughter Blog



“The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.” Billy Graham

Powerful words spoken by a powerful man of God. What a legacy he has left – not just for his children and grandchildren – but for millions of people on this earth.

I remember attending one of his crusades many years ago. My daddy took my uncle, grandma, and me to a local football stadium to hear the sermon and listen to special guest artist, B J Thomas. The message of Christ and His sacrifice on the cross for us was preached simply and beautifully. No slide shows, skits, or productions were necessary – Jesus was enough that evening.

A hush fell over the entire stadium as a prayer was said by Billy Graham encouraging anyone wanting to accept Christ to make their way to the stage. In that moment, my grandma passed gas so loudly; several rows could not help but hear (or honestly smell for that matter). Immediately, while the prayer was still going, my grandma raised her head, glared at my uncle, and called his name loudly. I’ll never forget the look on my uncle’s face.



Yet, he didn’t say a word. He quietly accepted the blame for her poorly timed bodily function.

There are many poorly timed behaviors in our lives. Moments we wish were hidden from the ears and eyes around us. If we know and have accepted Jesus as our savior, we can call out His name LOUDLY, or softly, and He will lovingly remind us He has already accepted the blame.

Have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior? Can you call on His name in times of need and heartache?

Will your legacy be one of character and faith?

If you’re not sure what that looks like, e-mail me – I would love sharing with you!

In working on my own legacy, my sweet oldest daughter is trying her hand at a blog post. Thank you for allowing me to share her precious words below…


Barking Hearts
By Learsi

I have this dog that is SUPER lazy. All he does is sleep on the couch, or when my mama is gone, he sits by the door. Only when the doorbell rings does he start barking and get excited.

Think about your relationship with God.

Are you lazy, tired and just taking a break until God rings a bell calling you to action?

Are you consistently reading your Bible, praying, looking for small ways that God can use you and jumping on them?

Sadly, most of us are like my dog. We wait for the bell to ring and drag us back to action and God. We should be the ones bringing people to God.

Being lazy is not why we are on this Earth! God created us to do his work. We should take every second of our day praising the LORD our God in everything we do.

The Bible says, “In EVERYTHING you do, do it for God…” Colossians 3:17.

I still have a REALLY hard time with this. I want to be scripturally active and help out with ministry whenever I can, but I am human, so sometimes I would rather be on my phone. I’m sure this distraction makes satan happy.

Do you know how we can strengthen ourselves against Satan?

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“But whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither whatever they do prospers,” Psalm 1:2-3.

The Great Commission tells us God wants us active. You can find that in Matthew 28:16-20.

So let’s stop being like my lazy dog and be a person who is so scripturally sound that satan doesn’t want any part of us.

We don’t need a big audience or a mic. We all start with the people in front of us.

Ding dong – the doorbell rang…..


• Focus on the grain, the wine and the oil. Look up the definition of each. How might the definition apply to our spiritual walk?

• Read the following verses: Choose at least 7 for normal homework – do all for More Curious)
o Numbers 18:12
o Deut. 7:13
o Deut. 11:14
o Deut. 12:17
o Deut. 14:23
o Deut. 18: 4
o Deut. 28:51
o 2 Chron. 31:5
o 2 Chron. 32:28
o Neh. 10:37
o Neh. 5:11
o Neh. 10:37
o Neh. 10:39
o Neh. 13:5
o Neh. 13:12
o Jer. 31:12
o Hosea 2:22
o Joel 2:19
o Joel 2:24
o Hag. 1:11

 In your own words, what is the significance of grain, wine and oil in these scriptures?
 What place do the grain, wine, and oil have under the new covenant?
 Find New Testament scriptures to support your thoughts.


January 26, 2018

Pick Me! Pick Me! {Week 2}





Recently I found myself in an all too familiar situation; a situation I thought had been left behind decades ago on a dusty playground in the back of an elementary school.

Maybe you have experienced a similar scenario. I’m pretty sure you know the one.  It is recess, or maybe P.E. class, and time to choose teams.  Inevitably team captains are chosen by peers or teachers and told to pick their teams from amongst the dozens of students waiting expectantly on the sidelines.

Usually it played out the same way.  There were those everyone knew would get chosen right away either from popularity or athletic prowess.  These children rarely worried about being chosen last.

Then there were those silently praying, “Please don’t let me be picked last.”  Sweaty palms, quickened heart, and silent pleading – the trademarks of the ones everyone was counter praying would not make it on their team. And when they did, sighs and disgusted looks were guaranteed.

Of course the absolute worst was when there were an odd number of students and you weren’t chosen at all – the teacher had to place you on a team.

Do one of these sound familiar?

There is something in most of us that desires inclusion and acceptance.

If so, you’ll understand my recent apprehension upon entering an environment I had not been a part of for a long while and questioned if anyone would pick me to join in their circle of friends.  This particular group of women enjoyed a long-standing friendship with a lot of history, private jokes, and memories.  I was the outsider invading their familiar territory.

But as I was questioning my inclusion to this new group, the Lord reminded me of a few things He taught me some time ago.

There are people who just have a knack for blending in to any situation with all types of people.  Typically that is not me. For years I constantly tried conforming to fit in and have acceptance with people.  From the way I dressed and talked to the activities I participated in, I would adapt and change – each time losing a little bit of me, because I was attempting to gain someone else.

Then God took me through a season – a very long season – where the only conforming being done was for Him.  It was a period of time with no friendships or activities outside of immediate family.

It began as a lonely season, with lots of excess time on my hands- but somewhere along the way evolved to a life changing understanding that I didn’t need to stand on the sidelines silently shouting, “Pick me! Oh, please somebody, pick me.”

What was the great, life changing discovery?

I was already picked.

Yes. Me.

I am picked.

Chosen by the great I AM.

John 15:16 says, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”

Jesus chose me.  More than that, He created me so that I could be chosen!

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.   Psalms 139:13-16

Guess what?

He chooses you too.

And though it feels good when we are included or asked to join in activities (which I was included recently for those curious to know), Jesus is always choosing you.

All you have to do is say YES.




  • Read Galatians 4: 1-7; Mark 14:36; Romans 8: 15
    • In your own words, write out the reasons God is our Abba.

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  • In Matthew 5: 10 – 12, Jesus lists ways we suffer.
    • What does He list, and how does this relate to Romans 8: 17 – 18?
  • Read Luke 19: 11 – 27.
    • What instructions are given?
    • What are the three outcomes?
    • Which one do you identify with the most? Why?

Really curious?

  • Read and study 2 Peter 1: 3-11.
    • How does this passage support what is written in Romans 8?
    • What is the progression of adding to faith given through Peter in these verses?



January 4, 2018

Letting Go of 2017



Ten minutes – all that is left of 2017.  I sit struggling with mixed emotions as this year slowly drifts into the past making room for a new year of unknowns.  Actually, I’m sitting in the very same location I rang in 2017, but what a difference a year makes…..

Most years I spend focusing on goals or resolutions to attempt in the new year.  Maybe you do that too.

Not this year.

This year end I am taking time to reflect on all this year has taught me and thanking God for His many blessings.

Several huge events occurred in my life this year:

  • Precious friends, my niece and youngest daughter followed the Lord in baptism.
  • I lost 75 pounds.
  • Death and illness invaded our family.
  • Hurricane Harvey brought 3 ½ feet of water in our home.

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Trust me – there was no shortage of opportunities for frustration, bitterness, anger and self-pity.  I would love to share with you that I succeeded beautifully at maintaining a calm and pleasant demeanor while encouraging all of those around me – but I can’t.

At times the stress of another decision, another loss, another hurdle seemed almost unbearable.

Yet each time I felt on the brink of madness, something or someone crossed my path and reminded me God was still in control and was working out everything for good.

So I sit now reflecting on what I’ve learned this year.

This is what I’ve come up with.

I’ve learned (or was reminded) God is 100% faithful in every circumstance and situation.  He truly never leaves us.  There are too many moments to list of His love and sweetness, but I will share one very special moment with you.

We were blessed to return home exactly three months to the day that we had boated out after Harvey.  This happened to fall during the week of Thanksgiving.  There were still numerous projects to complete and a massive amount of cleaning to do.  Holiday seasons I find myself missing my daddy a little more than usual.  I had been thinking about how much I would love to sit and talk with him and get his wisdom on this roller coaster year.

While cleaning out the room where we had stored all the boxes of salvaged flood items, I was relieved to come to the last one.  I didn’t recognize any of the contents of this particular box and sat for a moment to look through it.

The box contained my daddy’s senior high yearbook, some photos, and some yellowed paper brittle with age.  Carefully removing the paper, I discovered I was holding a typed story my daddy had written over 40 years ago.  I had never seen this story, but could certainly imagine him sitting at the old metal manual typewriter; the one where the ribbon was constantly requiring rewinding leaving traces of black sludge on your fingers.     He was the fastest typer I knew and only used his two index fingers.

As I began reading his words, my heart beat a little faster.  He had written this at Thanksgiving time over four decades ago.  I smiled remembering the sweet family time he mentioned.  It felt as if he were writing this just for me – for just this time in my life.  To make it even more relevant in my current life, the story included a specific phrase that was the title of a Bible study I was currently writing.

Of course the story talked about  Jesus, because that is what daddy wanted for anyone he ever met – for them to know Jesus.

And what more is there?

Words of wisdom from daddy – reminding me when we know Jesus, everything will be okay.  Doesn’t mean we won’t go through the hard stuff, but it does mean we won’t go through it alone.

The perfect lesson to end 2017.

I’ve attached daddy’s story in the link below.  Hope you enjoy and feel free to share.


October 13, 2017

Take the Hair {Face2Face – Week 5}






First haircuts were always a huge deal in my family. Most of the time we waited until after the first birthday. Grandmas, aunts, and cousins witnessed the milestone, and the first clippings were carefully placed inside an envelope. Sealed and dated, the envelope found its way to a safe place for storage.

Recently, I witnessed an interesting exchange between a mother in law and her daughter in law. Apparently my family’s tradition was not original, because this mother in law was sweetly attempting to pass on an envelope of her son’s clippings. Sadly, the daughter in law responded with disgust and refused to accept the ‘gift’ with an emphatic NO!

The idea of accepting decades old hair repulsed the young woman, and she didn’t appreciate the value in preserving these locks. The more her mother in law encouraged, the sterner she replied.

My grandmother was the guardian of my clippings. Growing up, she often pulled out the envelope with my hair and told the story of my first haircut. She loved sharing that story. A few years before she passed, she gave the envelope to me so I could continue sharing the story with my own children. (who, by the way, have envelopes of their own….)

So I understood the tradition of hair clippings and what it meant to pass them along.

But I also understood why the daughter in law rejected the envelope. It didn’t make sense to her. I’d been in this position too.

When I was pregnant with my first child, a family member traveled many hours and states to visit. She brought a paper bag displaying little girls in tutus standing at a ballet barre. She thought we could frame it for my daughter’s nursery.

Of course, being a first time mom, I knew everything and had the perfect plan in place for decorating. I kindly said, “No thank you. That is not the direction we are going.”

At first, I was oblivious to the hurt my words caused. Even when everyone in the room was encouraging me to take the bag, I still refused. It didn’t take me long to realize how bratty and hurtful I behaved. But then it was too late to do anything, but apologize. Oh to go back and change that initial response now.

Believe me – I would gladly accept the bag.

This precious woman had thought enough about me to travel halfway across the country and bring a sweet gift. It meant something to her, and I rejected her thoughtfulness.

How often we do this with one another.

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We do this with the Lord too. So often His gifts are not the gifts we want. We turn up our noses and reject what He offers, and at times let anger set in instead of gratitude.

What would it look like if we would become a people of gratitude? If we saw value in what others offer us?

What if the daughter in law had accepted the envelope with a simple thank you? If I had done the same with the ballet bag?

Here’s some friendly and loving advice – (take it or not)…..

TAKE THE HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!


• Read 2 Kings 17: 1-41
o Create an outline of major points from the chapter.
o What similarities does this chapter have with Isaiah 6?
• Read the following verses.
 Gen. 18:27
 Gen. 32:10
 Job 40: 1-5
 2 Sam. 7:18
 1 Tim. 1:15
 Luke 5: 8-11
o What is the common theme in these verses?
o Which verse do you relate to the most?

Feeling ambitious?
• Read Deut. 28
o Make a list of the blessings and curses given in this chapter.
o What curses are seen in Isaiah 6?
o What does this tell you about God and His word?

September 21, 2017

Roll Tide/War Eagle {Face2Face: Week 2}


Recently I attended my uncle’s funeral service in Alabama.  This was the second time in a month I had visited the area for a funeral.  Funerals are often stressful events complete with family drama and awkwardness.  We grasp for just the right words to say; the words that will provide comfort and ease a little of the pain.

If you’ve ever experienced this kind of loss, there are no words – especially not in the initial moments and days.

But sitting in the service, listening to all the beautiful words spoken about my uncle’s life, I began pondering a couple of things.

My uncle was a die hard Auburn football fan. I was reminded of this the moment I entered the chapel and a sea of blue and orange flowers and ribbons assaulted my eyes.  From the spray atop his casket to numerous wreaths and plants, Auburn colors were well represented.

Then my eyes did a double take.  As I scanned the room once more taking it all in, standing proudly right smack dab in the middle of the Auburn madness, was a lone spray of red and white.

Chuckling, I remembered several years ago my uncle did not take kindly to positive references from me of “Roll Tide” (you know, that other Alabama team).  Most of his family also rally around the Crimson team, so you can imagine the tension and noise level of an Iron Bowl in years past.

Though sworn enemies during every pass, punt, and tackle, after the final score was displayed, life resumed as usual.  There was love and laughter – meals and prayers.  People could agree to disagree and love while doing it.

Good lesson.

But life was not resuming as normal today; there was a new normal being created.

I listened as his grandson spoke about the measure of a man.  He beautifully described a life well lived – one full of love for family and God.   He referred to my uncle as a hero.

Searching my mind, I started recalling my own memories with my uncle.  And with a sad realization, I had to dig back a ways to find some.

Life gets busy. Living a thousand miles away makes it harder to keep in touch.

Just excuses.

I know.

Sadly these are excuses a lot of us make at times.

And then it really hit me….

How often do I do this with Jesus?  How far back do I have to dig to find a moment with Him?  How long does it take me to recall the last time He answered my prayer or comforted me in a time of distress?  When was the last time we laughed and cried together?

Because this is what a relationship with Jesus is – living life together creating memories and stories to share with others.   Allowing Him to guide every step and decision along the way, we can love others the way He does.

Though I may have fallen short in the relationship with my uncle, he has left me with these important lessons.

So Roll Tide/War Eagle.

And Thank You!




  • Read Isaiah 2: 2-5 and Psalm 65
    • Compare the two sets of scriptures making notes of similarities and truths.

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  • Isaiah 2:5 calls us to “walk in the light of the Lord.”
    • Using Ephesians 5: 7-14 and 1 John 1: 5-10, what does walking in the light of the Lord look like?
    • Are you walking in the light? If so, how?  If not, what changes are needed?


Feeling ambitious?

  • Read Amos 4: 1-3
    • What do these verses reveal about Bashan?
      • What are the warnings and promises mentioned?
      • How do these verses apply to us today?

September 13, 2017

Moldy Obedience {Face2Face: Week 1}


Christmas 2013, my husband surprised me with a new car, complete with an oversized, obnoxious bow on the hood.  Completely excited and overwhelmed, I stared at this gift knowing changes they were a comin’.

So allow me to be transparent with you – every car I ever owned should have been condemned by the Board of Health.

Seriously – not joking.

Like many of us today, my car was a second home.  Traveling between work, school and home, many meals were consumed in the driver’s seat. Clothes, shoes, papers, and random debris littered the rest of the interior space.

And I guarantee, at any given point in time, a McDonald’s french fry sat lonely under a seat.

One time I was driving to an evening class at the school I was attending, and I had a flat tire.  Pulling to the side of the road, I was too far from home to call my husband or daddy for help.  Not knowing how to change a flat tire (and let’s face it – even if I did, I wasn’t going to attempt it), I called campus police.  When the young officer arrived, he immediately opened the trunk to retrieve the spare (who knew??).

I’m not sure if his face registered shock, disbelief, disgust or all of the above.  It took twenty minutes to empty the contents from the trunk to the side of the road.  At one point he stopped, turned to me, and said, “Ma’am, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much junk is someone’s car!”

Of course, after the tire was changed, all that junk found its way back in.

And when my children came along a few years later with milk bottles and Happy Meals, the messes – and smells – only got worse.

This type of car care was my norm for years – until the Christmas present car.

The Lord had been on me about the way I cared for these blessings (children and possessions) He provided.  There was no reason my family should ride in disgusting messes.

So I chose to follow His prompting to obedience.  I would keep this car pristine.  No food or drinks would be consumed in the car (and yes, I still had young children).

Our first outing in the car that Christmas Eve morning was to Starbucks, and we pulled off to the side of the road – got out of the car – and took our sips. No drinking in the car.

So this summarizes riding with me….

Everyone thought I was silly and wouldn’t keep it up.  And at times it was challenging.  There were many occasions we pulled into parking lots to sit on the pavement and have a Frappuccino, but never in the car.

For almost four years, we successfully kept a clean car.

Then Hurricane Harvey surged into town.

The Christmas car was submerged in flood water and declared a total loss.  It sat for two weeks waiting on the tow truck, and when it was finally picked up, the interior was covered in mold, sludge and mildew.

I had been obedient.  I had required obedience of others.  Now my car was a mess of lumpy stink.

And this led me to a verse a friend shared a few weeks ago – (BH – Before Harvey) – and now had new meaning for me:

 Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed. 1 Corinthians 5:7 (emphasis mine)

At first, I saw no meaning for my life in this verse. The whole new lump phrase stood out, but there was no apparent application.

Until AH – After Harvey.

Leaven is used to make dough rise – it adds a little something to the whole. It infiltrates and spreads throughout whatever it is added to – much like sin. A little sin begins to spread and affect the whole body. And before we realize it, our whole life is a mess.

But Jesus has made it possible for me, and us, to become like unleavened bread. To remove the sin we allow to sprinkle into our lives and create a new lump in our hearts and behaviors.

Staring at the mold covered car seat, I realized somewhere along the way my obedience had lost its meaning. It had become something I did without my heart behind it. I had never bothered to share with anyone the why behind my actions. And though obedience does not necessarily require an explanation to others, it often doesn’t hurt.

So as the process begins of finding the right replacement car, one mold and mildew free, God is preparing this new lump (me). He is removing (a little painfully) the old leaven in my life and faithfully molding a new creation, one that I pray is pleasing in His sight.

What about you?

Are you leavened?

Are you ready to become a new lump?

Face2Face Time:

  • Reread Isaiah 1. Compare this chapter to 2 Kings 21.
    • What is the connection between these two passages?
    • What significance does this have for us today?

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  • There are nine commands in Isaiah 1: 16 – 20.
    • List them.
    • Using your concordance, write out a scripture to go with each command.
    • Circle the command you struggle obeying the most right now and pray it this week.


Feeling ambitious?

  • Choose one (or all) of the four kings mentioned in Isaiah 1:1.
    • List everything you learn about your choice with a specific focus on his/their impact on Judah.

September 6, 2017

My Life in Trash Bags


I remember before the first day of school began, the district I taught in would place all the teachers on hot, smelly school buses and have us tour the neighborhoods where the students lived. Home after home had large, black lawn size trash bags on their front porches. We soon learned this was where the students kept their clothing and other belongings, because there was no room in the home for them.

One week ago, this was momentarily my life. Hurricane Harvey hit our Texas community with a fierceness I’ve never experienced. The rain pelted the ground relentlessly. The first floor of our home was completely lost to the infested waters of the nearby river. Furniture, photos and the like covered in sewage and sludge.

What we could salvage was thrown into black garbage bags. The same kind of storage bags the students used.
The night before, as the water inched closer and closer, I stood on our back patio and prayed relentlessly. I rebuked the waters from passing over the patio line. I reminded God that He could stop the storm immediately. I even quoted the scripture in Mark 4:35-41 where Jesus calms the storm for His disciples.

But God said No.

He had another plan. A better plan I cannot imagine yet, because my ways are not His ways (Isaiah 55: 8-9).

The flooding occurred overnight, so it was difficult to see what was happening. We could hear the water pouring in like a waterfall and were helpless to stop it. When light finally came through the windows, 3 feet of water stood on our first floor and it was STILL raining! The rain WOULD NOT STOP!

Boats were rescuing families from homes, because all 400 homes in our community were under this water. We took our trash bags, placed our children in the boat (where snakes were frantically swimming by) and floated away to our new normal.

A normal that consists of watching a truck with the words JUNK emblazoned on its side haul off trailer after trailer of our possessions.

But this is not the story I need to share – these are just the facts of an event that occurred in my life. The story I want to share – that I hope you continue to read is what took place before and after this catastrophic event.
My God is a good God – Always. In His infinite wisdom, He had been preparing me for this life altering event for months.

Back in March of this year, I began a journey of getting healthy and losing weight (written about this already, so feel free to take a look). Walking twice daily and other aerobic exercises were preparing me for the two mile walks required to return home because the demolition teams blocked the streets to drive in. There has also been a lot of heavy lifting and stair climbing to remove debris.

There is no way I could have helped with this at the beginning of 2017.

While walking every morning and night, my husband and I met many of our neighbors – neighbors that felt comfortable boating back into our homes with us after the rain stopped and waters receded enough to wade through the home to access damage. Neighbors who we knew needed help with tearing out sheet rock and removing granite and could send work crews from our church. Our pastor had preached a series on “Loving Your Neighbor,” and we were witnessing his words in action.

Seeds and Nuts A whole range of risk areas with headings such as cialis no prescription commercial, legal, technical, regulatory compliance and security. Tomato:Know as the levitra 20 mg Love Apple, the notoriety of the tomato as a support to love has long been used to treat impotence by ancient cultures all over the world. You will find thought about this free samples of cialis risks connected with buying medications from overseas. But the patient can be given a longer life with the help of cheap viagra in india. Every year our youth group participates in Bounce – a program helping areas demo and reconstruct homes affected by disaster. My daughter and husband had attended one in Baton Rouge, Louisiana this past summer. As soon as the waters receded, 20 of these students and some of their families descended on our home (along with 31 of my husband’s co-workers and my tireless, hard- working brother) and our home was completely gutted in 24 hours. After that, many of my church friends helped clean, organize, and box, among other chores, the remains of our house that needed to be stored or go with us to our rental.

Within one day of homelessness, a beautiful friend took her home off the market and gave it to us as a rental. And it has a treadmill in the master bedroom!!

Both cars were totaled in the flood, so we needed rentals. Please understand, this hurricane affected four to five hundred thousand people in the Houston area. The chances of getting a rental were small. Four of us looked and made reservations in a town 20 miles away. We got up early and were the first ones in line at the Enterprise. When we walked in, the sweet man just shook his head and said he only had two. Telling him we could drive two more hours north to get the other two cars – he looked at me and said, “I want to help you. I’m going to give you my truck.” And he did.
So now my husband and I both had trucks which would help in hauling off and transferring items to the rental.
Sunday morning I had nothing to wear to church. A sweet friend brought over a dress; however it plunged a little low for worshiping Jesus. Fretting on what to do, I happened to look down by the bedroom door –and I kid you not, there was one safety pin pressed down in the carpet.

Friends have provided meals, numerous hours of labor, and restocked make-up (because this Texas girl loves a little make-up).

I know many people have similar stories of generosity and assistance, but one more event occurred that was a sweet gift from God to me only.

I am a women’s Bible teacher at our church and have been writing our fall curriculum on Isaiah. One commentary I ordered to help with research was not released until September 1. It is my favorite commentary when writing. Understand our entire neighborhood, as well as many around us, were completely submerged in water. There is no mail, UPS, Fed-Ex deliveries being made.
On September 2, one small, yellow envelope leaned against the door of our flooded home. Inside was my Isaiah commentary. No other deliveries or mail had been made. So many cars, dumpsters and debris littered the streets that a truck could not get down to our home.
But God provided.

He always provides. Always.

From a safety pin on the floor to a place to lay our weary heads at night, He is faithful.
I don’t know what tomorrow holds. How long it will take to rebuild our home.
But I do know God is with us every step of the way. He has provided an incredible network of friends we consider family to walk beside us too.
I pray with all my heart you have this assurance in your life too.
If you don’t, or would like to know why I am madly in love with this great, big God, please reach out and ask. There is so much more I can share than in these few, meager words here.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

August 21, 2017

Consider {Week 9}


“Fatty, Fatty two by four; can’t get through the kitchen door.”

“My mama’s so big, when she sits around the house, she sits around the house.”

Popular sayings I remember hearing and often saying as a child.  Funny when you aren’t the recipient – devastating when you are.

Sadly, I’ve experienced both sides.

Somewhere in my early twenties, I began a battle with food.  Having danced most of my life, it was easy to stay in shape and keep the pounds off (especially during high school and college when there was a weekly weigh in).  Can you even imagine getting away with weighing young girls today in front of peers?? But when I slowly started dancing less and less, pounds attached to my body at a rapid pace.

Like many girls beginning college, the freshman 15 appeared (plus 10 or 15 more).  Between classes, work and marriage, there was never enough time in the day for exercise and healthy meals.  Drive-thru meals and junk on the go became staples in my everyday diet. The Pizza Hut on campus was not my friend.

I started receiving lots of comments from “well-meaning” loved ones.  My personal favorite was my uncle’s incessant reference to me as “Lard Butt”.  I laughed it off, but those words stung deep.

Not enough, however, to force me to action.

My wardrobe changed in attempts to cover the problem areas, but let’s get real, my whole body was a problem area. Especially internally.  I’m not just talking about the damage inflicted on my physical organs – I was destroying my spiritual body as well.

God never intended for me to abuse my body the way I have.  1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states, “do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own: you were bought at a price.   Therefore honor God with your bodies” (emphasis mine).

I knew this.  At times I’ve taught this.  But I did not live this.

Until now.

Today, for the first time in over two decades, I am classified as “overweight”.

I’ve been severely obese, moderately obese, Category 1 obese, and obese.

But not today.  Today the BMI chart says overweight.

I am aware this chart doesn’t carry a lot of credibility for most.  Too many other factors play a role in determining health:  muscle, height, age, etc.

Yet there is such satisfaction in the absence of obese flashing in front of me.

I don’t share this for praises or congratulations.  If we’re honest, there should be sadness that I missed the mark all these years.  Years of fatigue where I couldn’t join in activities. Years of laziness – gluttony – slothfulness. Oh the list could go on and on…
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Here’s the message- the book of James does such a beautiful job describing the way to live our lives.  Black and white guidelines laid out on the pages for us.

The central command in the short five chapters, at least for me, is don’t just hear, don’t merely listen, don’t nod your heads in agreement – DO!

I heard all my life about taking care of my body.  There were even great role models and teachers!

I knew how to take care of my body.  I just refused to do it.

Then, during an early morning quiet time several months ago, these words of hearing and doing grabbed my heart in a way they never had before.

My issue was not food or lack of time for exercise; my issue was obedience.

Every day I chose to eat horribly and not exercise was another day I walked in disobedience.  Because trust me, I knew the right thing to do.

In that moment of realization, I made a choice.

I chose to obey.

It’s a daily process.  Sometimes a moment to moment process.

But He has been with me every step of the way.

So I will continue to say:

Yes, Lord, today I will make healthy food choices.  Yes, Lord, today I will exercise.  Yes, Lord, today I will drink water.

Yes, Lord, today I will obey.



Where in your life are you refusing obedience?

Read the book of James.