April 21, 2017

If You Knew {Week 14}



We all have that moment when we need to simplify our lives.  Maybe it is through a spring cleaning or needing to make room for the new.

Most of the time we feel a sense of accomplishement with the discarding of junk.

This was not the case for me walking upstairs to discover my oldest daughter – surrounded by numerous bags – purging her room of all the childhood items she’s outgrown.

Panicing – my mind raced to list every reason why she could not do this.  I watched in horror as she calmly, if not excitedly, put one stuffed animal after another into a bag.  Each animal brought back a special memory of days past.  Tea parties, vacations and doctors visits where we had to cling to her favorite (at the time) all being tossed aside.

With each item placed in the bag, my heart broke a little more.  I questioned each choice.  “Are you sure about that one?”

There was so much pride in her voice when she emphatically replied, “Yes!”

So I sat and watched – she didn’t need my help with this process.

But inside I was mourning for my baby girl.  The one who couldn’t sleep at night without her lovie now peering at my through a stretched trash bag.

And I asked God why this whole parenting thing has to be so hard.  Why we have to experience these moments of transitions and letting go.

And He reminded me of 1 Corinthians 13:11

“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.”

We must let go of our childish ways.

God desires it.

He expects it.

While I sat devastated watching the innocence of childhood slowly being tossed away, He was rejoicing in the maturity of a daughter growing into her role in His kingdom- HIS daughter.

And He whispered gently to me, “What about you?  What childish things do you need to throw out to serve me better?”



In Depth

  • Read Romans 8:9
    • How does this verse empower you to resist the devil?

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  • Read 1 Kings 13: 11-34
    • Write out who, what, when, where, why and how for these verses.
    • What do you learn from these verses to apply to your own life?


Feeling ambitious?

  • Compare Matthew 8:28 – 34; Mark 5:1 – 20, and Luke 8:26 – 39
  • Keep a list of added details each writer was inspired to record. Which account speaks most to you? Why?

April 16, 2017

If You Knew {Week 13}


Good Friday.

Good for us – pain and suffering for Him.

Beaten, shamed, spit upon, mocked

He endured it all

For you

For me

For us

This Good Friday and Easter season we hope you remove any stumbling blocks hindering a relationship with the One who provides freedom.

Submit to a life of obedience.

No more excuses.

No more rationalizing behaviors

No more stubbornness

For we know what is coming

Sunday morning

A Resurrection

And if you have accepted Christ..

The SAME Spirit that raised Him from the dead dwells in you

So boldly declare Romans 6:6

“We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.”

Honor His sacrifice with your life.


In Depth

  • Read Luke 17:1
  • Matthew 13:41
  • Matthew 16:23
  • Matthew 18:7
    • Spend some time with each of these verses.
      • What is said about stumbling?
      • What is the context in which it is said?
      • Who says it?

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    • How do these verses apply to your life?
  • Read Romans 11:7-11 and Psalm 69: 22-23
    • What insight do you gain on stumbling blocks from these passages?

Feeling ambitious?

Spend time with the Lord asking for Him to reveal stumbling blocks in your path.  Ask Him to open your eyes to see and ears to hear what He is telling you. Be ready to step out in faith and obedience at what He makes known to you.

April 9, 2017

If You Knew {Week 12}


In college, I worked for my aunt in her upholstery shop.  Cutting and measuring fabric, payroll, and sewing were a few of my responsibilities.  On rare occasion, I covered myself in trash bags to enter the sweltering outdoor workshop to stuff pillow forms with down.  More feathers landed in my nostrils than the pillows, especially with the industrial fan circulating the warm, humid air. At least everyone had a good laugh – at my expense – whenever I performed this task.

But my favorite responsibility occurred on Fridays.  This was the day my aunt and I spent the day going to homes and businesses measuring furniture and making deliveries. This was a time before cell phones, Siri, and GPS.  Our go to guide was a Key Map.  This little orange book held all the directions needed for navigating Houston.  Of course, a special skill is imperative for navigating this book.

And that’s where we got into trouble.

My aunt would drive while I navigated in the passenger seat.  The key map open in my lap did little to get us where we were going.  I turned that book left, right, upside down, but with little success.  We went right when we should have turned left, and left when we should have turned right.  We would get so turned around we would stop to ask directions at the nearest gas station.

We were often late for appointments.  Clients would nod and laugh about our Key Map misadventures, yet we knew their time was valuable and tardiness was not ok.

There have been times in my life when reading my Bible felt like reading the key map and numerous wrong turns have been taken. God tells us in Proverbs 3:6 if we acknowledge him in all our ways, he will make our path straight.  There may be mountains to climb and valleys to cross, but if we stay single minded in our walk toward Jesus, our path is straight.

Follow His directions.

They are always right.


In Depth


  • Read the following and list what is said about paths.
    • Proverbs 4: 26-27
    • Hebrews 12:13
    • Psalm 5:8
    • Jeremiah 31:9
    • Acts 13:10
    • How can you apply this list to your life right now?

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Write out Proverbs 10:17

Spend some time in prayer asking God to reveal anywhere you have gone astray.  What actions do you need to take in order to get on the straight path?

April 1, 2017

If You Knew {Week 11}


Image result for dresses clip art

A sweet friend of mine owns a little clothing shop.  Every couple of months, I stop in to see what new goodies she has discovered at market.  Most visits she has set aside several pieces purchased with me in mind.  These are items she feels fit my personality and body type.

She takes care to display each piece of clothing for me, making sure to add her expert advice on what to add from my own closet to complete the look.  I can see her vision clearly.  And I end up purchasing what she has for me.

Now I do not try on anything.  Trying on clothes is a process that sends me into stressful sweats (no, I do not glisten). But if I were to suffer through the process, I would leave her shop with a lot less merchandise.

Her perception of me and my body is not the same as the reality of me and my body.  The clothing is too small – too big – too short – too… not me.

And there are no returns. I vow next time to try on the clothes or at least tell her no.

But I don’t.

And I come home next time with a handful of items that will take up space in my life until I purge.

So I continue to remind myself of James 1:23-24:

“For anyone who hears the word and does not carry it out is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and after observing himself goes away immediately and forgets what he looks like.”

Because I have heard, and I do forget –  especially when someone is standing before me with encouraging words and pretty visuals.

But I’m working on it.  Baby steps.


In depth:


Hesed – faithfulness, mercy, loving kindness, unfailing, steadfast love

  • Read 2 Samuel 9: 1-13
    • How is this passage an example of hesed?

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  • Read Ruth 1: 8-20
    • What is the example of hesed in this passage?


  • List specific actions you can apply to your life from the examples of David and Ruth to show hesed.


  • Write out Micah 6:8 inserting your name.
    • For example, “He has told Stephanie what is good….”
      • Find a verse to support each of the commands – act justly, love faithfulness, walk humbly.


Feeling ambitious?

Though this is an extreme look at division in the family, it is an example of a life sold out to Jesus.  Are you willing to make a stand like this?  Why?

March 27, 2017

If You Knew {Week 10}



That moment.

The one where you find yourself face to face with someone’s true character.  Not the pretty façade they’ve normally displayed; the one that is covered. The one hidden from judgmental eyes and catty tongues.

And all you know to do is walk away – for a time.

To process the hurt.

To pray for guidance.

To heal a little.

And when it’s time to return –

a little wary

a little wiser

you try again.

To love and disciple the way God leads.


In Depth

Read John 15: 1-8

  • How do we bear fruit?  What does v. 3 tell us?
  • How does v. 6 relate to Mark 11:21?

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Read James 1: 22-25

  • Spend some time asking God to reveal where there is hearing, but no doing.  What steps are needed for action?


Feeling Ambitious?

Read Jeremiah 8:13, Jeremiah 24: 1-10, Hosea 2:12 and Micah 7:1

  • What do these verses say about the fig?  How do these verses apply to your life right now?

Read Jeremiah 33:3

March 10, 2017

If You Knew {Week 9}


Image result for old woman double picture

What do you see?

A regal, young woman?

A seasoned, older woman?

Our perspective shapes the way we view circumstances, people, and choices.  Too often our perspective is molded by the world instead of the Word.

Currently there is a heated debate taking place around an upcoming movie.  Everyone is sharing their perspective on this movie’s message and content.

But the only perspective that truly matters is what Jesus says about the movie.

And honestly, this is the only filter needed in any situation, decision, or choice ever made.

The Bible clearly provides all the answers needed for every situation encountered.  We just don’t like all the answers.

And though we tend to have the knowledge of the right answer, we cannot give the why.  And if we can’t give the why, then we begin to doubt if we have the right knowledge.

Satan has caused us to question from the beginning.  His first words – “Did God really say…” (Gen. 3:1) still plague us today.  Yet the world has no problem giving us every kind of justification as to why we should think and behave a certain way.

Stop listening!

It’s time to seek God’s perspective.

Ask Him for it.

James 1:5 – He will give it.

In depth

  • Read the following verses. Write out everything revealed to you about Caleb.
    • Numbers 13: 30-33
    • Numbers 14: 6, 8, 10, 30
    • Joshua 14: 6-15

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  • What was Caleb’s perspective on his situation? Where do you need a Caleb perspective?
  • Choose an issue you have biblical knowledge about but unsure of the why. After praying for wisdom on this topic, find verses to study and research.


Feeling ambitious?

  • Read the following scriptures
    • 2 Samuel 7
    • 1 Chron. 17: 11-14
    • 2 Chron. 6:16
  • What is the covenant? Write it out.
  • Now read
    • John 1:18 and Isa. 55: 3-4
  • How do these two verses relate to one another and to the covenant above?
  • What perspective do you gain from these verses?

March 4, 2017

If You Knew {Week 8}


There’s a song by Don Henley – “The Heart of the Matter” – where the chorus says:

“The more I know, the less I understand

All the things I thought I knew, I’m learning again

I’ve been trying to get down to the Heart of the Matter

But my will gets weak

And my thoughts seem to scatter

But I think it’s about forgiveness


Some random thoughts on these lyrics…

The more I study the Word, the less I understand my reluctance to share Christ with people I encounter.

I am in a daily process to relearn life His way instead of my way.

And the heart of the matter is this, “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

But God understands it.  He knows the secrets of my heart (Psalm 44:21).

And when I am weak, then I can be strong in His strength and guidance (2 Co. 12: 8-10).

Scattered thoughts are made obedient to Christ (2 Co. 10:5).

And it is about forgiveness.  God’s forgiveness of me (and you) through His Son on the cross.  His sacrifice makes everything else possible.


In Depth

  • Read Romans 1: 18-25
    • What is unbelief?
      • The word for unbelief is [apistia]
        • Faithlessness
        • Unbelief of Christian faith
        • Disobedience

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      • What is the unbelief in these verses?
      • Where are you struggling with unbelief right now?
        • Find scriptures to begin praying over this area of unbelief.
    • Create 2 columns – one for man’s actions and another for God’s actions
      • Circle any actions you see in your life right now. Either an action from yourself or an action from God. (Or possibly both…)


Feeling Ambitious?

Read Matthew 26:24

Read Luke 22: 54-62

Read John 21: 1 – 17


What do these scriptures teach about forgiveness?

Spend some time pondering the emotions Peter must have experienced during this time.  Write out the emotion/action combination.

Example:  fear/denial

February 25, 2017

If You Knew {Week 7}


Image result for you are confined only by the walls

I’ve been pondering the above quote recently. Where, in my life, have I deceived myself into believing something about myself that isn’t true?  Or maybe it’s the other way around, and I’ve deceived myself into believing something true when it is not.  Either way – I’ve deceived myself into believing a whole bunch of lies.

Too old







I’m awesome – nothing – deserving – undeserving – popular- unpopular

And from my earliest memories as a child, I remember these types of thoughts residing in my head.

We can make ourselves believe just about anything – and usually find someone out there to agree with us.

But I’m learning the only One I need to agree with is the One who says I am His child (John 1:12) and that I am chosen, holy and blameless (Eph. 1:4).

When I ponder the Words He has given, I can stop deceiving myself, because I have the truth – and the truth sets me free (John 8:32).


In depth:


  • Read the following verses:
    • 1 Timothy 4:1
    • 2 Timothy 3: 12-13
    • Jeremiah 17:9
    • Obadiah 1:3
    • James 1:22

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  • For each verse, list what is said about deceit.
    • For example – James 1:26

“If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.” (James 1:26)

  • Think religious
  • Don’t control tongue
  • Deceives heart
  • Religion worthless


Do you see yourself in the list you made?

Find a verse(s) to pray over this specific deceit.

  • Example from above list:
    • “A gentle tongue is a tree of life…” Prov. 15:4
    • “My tongue will talk of you righteous help all the day long.” Psalm 71:24


Feeling ambitious?


Read Genesis 32: 22-32 and Eph. 6:12

The word for wrestle in Genesis is abaq [aw-bak’] meaning a vapor/grapple.

In Ephesians, the word for struggle/wrestle is pale [pal’-ay] meaning vibrate.

How do these two texts apply to our struggles and walk with Christ? What are you wrestling with right now?

February 17, 2017

If You Knew {Week 6}


My least favorite part of teaching was grading papers – especially when I had 143 students.  College did not prepare me for the hours of pouring over 6th grade compositions concerning a favorite holiday or best family vacation.  But when there was assignment paired with an answer key – this was bliss.  The answers were right in front of me!  I didn’t have to think or concentrate – everything I needed was at my fingertips.

We all have an answer key at our fingertips…

Look familiar?

The answers we need in all areas of our lives are found within these pages.  Are you using the answer key He has provided?

In depth

  • Read:
    • Romans 12:10
    • 1 Thess. 4:9
    • Hebrews 13:1
    • 1 Peter 1:22
    • 2 Peter 1:7

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  • How do these verses relate to the Church of Philadelphia?
    • List what these verses tell us to do. Specifically write out how you obey each of the items on your list or how you can start obeying.
  • In His letters to the churches, Christ follows a similar pattern with each:
    • Recipient
    • Lord describes Himself
    • “I Know..” section (commendation/criticism)
    • Exhortation
    • Listen
    • Reward
  • Using this pattern, dissect the letter to the Church of Philadelphia to see how it fits this pattern. Choose one other letter in Revelation to dissect also.


Feeling ambitious?

Read the following writing by C S Lewis.  How does this article relate to the topic of keys?  How does it relate to the church?


February 12, 2017

If You Knew {Week 5}


Image result for swing

I took my girls to the park this week.  I am embarrassed to admit it had been a long time.  A really long time!

And as I was swinging with them, emotions overwhelmed me.  My girls are big now and don’t need me to put them on the swing or push them.  Somehow, over the course of time, I have waited myself right out of some precious memories with my babies.

I waited for the weather to get cooler.

I waited for the weather to get warmer.

I waited for my girls to accomplish their to do list.

I waited for my schedule to have an opening.

I waited until I felt like it.

I waited.

And in the waiting, I missed the giggles between cries of,  “Push me higher mama.”  And the constant pleading, “Watch this mama, watch this!”

I tell them I’m sorry we haven’t done this more.  I promise to get better creating these moments.  Because I don’t want to wait myself out of moments anymore.



In depth

  • Read 1 Samuel 15
    • Who are the key players in this chapter?
    • What are the major events?

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  • Reread verse 5 (1 Samuel 15:5)
    • The word wait here is
      • Riyb rub – to grapple/wrangle
      • It is the same word used In Gen. 26:20 (strive) and Exodus 17:2 (chide)
    • How does this idea of waiting tie in with the lessons on waiting from Esther?
    • What parallels are there between Saul/Agag (Agag is most likely a title for the leader such as Pharaoh) and Mordecai/Haman?
      • What lesson can we apply to our lives from the relationship of these men?


Feeling ambitious?

  • Read
    • Joel 2:28
    • Matt. 3: 11-12
    • John 14:16
  • What do these verses have in common?
  • What are the circumstances surrounding these words?
  • How do these verses relate to Acts 1:4?