March 29, 2019

Buying Blind


Would you purchase something without seeing it first?  This past Christmas I did just that.  Scrolling through Facebook one day, I got suckered in to watching a video clip of two brothers advertising a unique campaign.  Maybe you saw it too.

Two Blind Brothers was created by Bradford and Bryan Manning.  Both brothers were diagnosed with a disease eventually leading to blindness.  In an effort to find a cure for this disease, the Mannings developed an idea to make quality clothing with proceeds aiding in research.

At Christmas, they ran a special promotion with a unique twist.  For a short period of time, the company’s website was completely blacked out.  Visitors could purchase clothing from a blank computer screen – having no idea what they were purchasing – all that was known was the price.

Sounded interesting.

Since 100% of the proceeds were going toward research, I picked a price point and clicked the purchase tab.  

Then I waited. 

About a week later, I received a fabulous long sleeved black tee.  (You can see it below in the ‘Mindless Goo’ blog.)  It is currently my favorite thing to wear.  The fabric is soft and the style versatile.  

Shopping blind was a success.

Sometimes a leap of faith into an unknown reveals something special for our lives.

I’m reminded of the scene in Mark 10: 46-52.  Bartimaeus, a blind beggar sitting on the side of the road, hears Jesus approaching and cries out to Him.  Many traveling with Jesus on the way to Jerusalem attempted to quiet Bartimaeus, however he cries out even more.  Jesus stops – stands still – and has this beggar called to Him.  Jesus then asks him, “What do you want me to do for you?”

What a question!

How do you respond to this question?

Bartimaeus has a very clear, succinct answer ready – “I want to see.”

And Jesus heals him – because Bartimaeus has shown great faith and persistence even in the face of opposition.

Are you persistent? Do you know what you truly want?

Better yet – do you know what you truly need?

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I want to be more like You.

What if we offered our lives as blank screens which Christ already purchased on the cross – and allowed Him to reveal something wonderful and unknown to us?

Healed – Bartimaeus was told by Jesus to, “Go your way…”

When any way could have been chosen – sight fully restored – Bartimaeus “began following Him.”  

Because Jesus’ way is the only way.

Are you ready to see?

Are you ready to follow?

Jesus is asking, “What do you want?”


1.     Read Isaiah 53.
a.    List out every description of Jesus (He) from this chapter.
b.    What opens your eyes in this passage?
2.    Read Mark 10: 17-22.
a.    What does Jesus say must be done to inherit eternal life?
b.    What is the young man’s response?
i.    What would you say is the one thing you lack which hinders you from following Him?

Sent from my iPad

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