“Fatty, Fatty two by four; can’t get through the kitchen door.”
“My mama’s so big, when she sits around the house, she sits around the house.”
Popular sayings I remember hearing and often saying as a child. Funny when you aren’t the recipient – devastating when you are.
Sadly, I’ve experienced both sides.
Somewhere in my early twenties, I began a battle with food. Having danced most of my life, it was easy to stay in shape and keep the pounds off (especially during high school and college when there was a weekly weigh in). Can you even imagine getting away with weighing young girls today in front of peers?? But when I slowly started dancing less and less, pounds attached to my body at a rapid pace.
Like many girls beginning college, the freshman 15 appeared (plus 10 or 15 more). Between classes, work and marriage, there was never enough time in the day for exercise and healthy meals. Drive-thru meals and junk on the go became staples in my everyday diet. The Pizza Hut on campus was not my friend.
I started receiving lots of comments from “well-meaning” loved ones. My personal favorite was my uncle’s incessant reference to me as “Lard Butt”. I laughed it off, but those words stung deep.
Not enough, however, to force me to action.
My wardrobe changed in attempts to cover the problem areas, but let’s get real, my whole body was a problem area. Especially internally. I’m not just talking about the damage inflicted on my physical organs – I was destroying my spiritual body as well.
God never intended for me to abuse my body the way I have. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states, “do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own: you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies” (emphasis mine).
I knew this. At times I’ve taught this. But I did not live this.
Until now.
Today, for the first time in over two decades, I am classified as “overweight”.
I’ve been severely obese, moderately obese, Category 1 obese, and obese.
But not today. Today the BMI chart says overweight.
I am aware this chart doesn’t carry a lot of credibility for most. Too many other factors play a role in determining health: muscle, height, age, etc.
Yet there is such satisfaction in the absence of obese flashing in front of me.
I don’t share this for praises or congratulations. If we’re honest, there should be sadness that I missed the mark all these years. Years of fatigue where I couldn’t join in activities. Years of laziness – gluttony – slothfulness. Oh the list could go on and on…
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Here’s the message- the book of James does such a beautiful job describing the way to live our lives. Black and white guidelines laid out on the pages for us.
The central command in the short five chapters, at least for me, is don’t just hear, don’t merely listen, don’t nod your heads in agreement – DO!
I heard all my life about taking care of my body. There were even great role models and teachers!
I knew how to take care of my body. I just refused to do it.
Then, during an early morning quiet time several months ago, these words of hearing and doing grabbed my heart in a way they never had before.
My issue was not food or lack of time for exercise; my issue was obedience.
Every day I chose to eat horribly and not exercise was another day I walked in disobedience. Because trust me, I knew the right thing to do.
In that moment of realization, I made a choice.
I chose to obey.
It’s a daily process. Sometimes a moment to moment process.
But He has been with me every step of the way.
So I will continue to say:
Yes, Lord, today I will make healthy food choices. Yes, Lord, today I will exercise. Yes, Lord, today I will drink water.
Yes, Lord, today I will obey.
Where in your life are you refusing obedience?
Read the book of James.
I’m in tears! Praising God for each step of obedience and thanking you for sharing from your heart! You have no idea of the impact you have on so many lives!
So love this and needed this read this morning. Thank you