May 2, 2019

Crutches and a Misplaced Knee


Your daughter is hurt.

Words no parent wants to hear.

Waiting for my daughter’s solo dance performance, my phone began buzzing with an unknown number. If I don’t know the number, I don’t answer. If it is important, leave a message.

But this time the caller kept calling.

Annoyed – I hit decline.

Sitting in a dark, loud auditorium in the middle of a performance was not the time for a call.

Then there was the person standing beside me – telling me my daughter was hurt.

My first reaction – question this person by repeating the words back to her.

Surely I didn’t hear correctly.

My younger daughter was in the auditorium with me – I just left her sitting there.

I remember walking toward the warm-up area – telling myself my somewhat theatrical oldest daughter stubbed her toe or something else trivial.

When I entered the practice area, my daughter was crying – sprawled on the floor – surrounded by women.

Hearing me enter, she turned – tears streaming – and I knew I had to remain calm.

This was no stubbed toe.

Her right kneecap was sitting on the side of her leg.

Her panicked eyes searched mine for a reaction – for an answer.

So I jokingly said, “Let’s take care of this – you dance in 15 minutes.”

She didn’t laugh.

An ambulance (my first time to ride in one) transported us the the nearest ER where a fabulous doctor gave us two options: she could set the knee with no drugs and my daughter would scream in excruciating pain, or she could give her the ‘Michael Jackson drug’ – (yes, the doctor really said that) – and my daughter would be knocked out for the whole thing.

My daughter chose the MJ.

All of the possible side effects for this drug were listed for us.

I know how Michael Jackson ended up – I know the side- effects.

The first round of drugs did not successfully sedate her, so the doctor administered a second round.


Knee was set in place and a soft cast strapped on her leg.

And now we wait….

It’s been 6 days and we haven’t seen the orthopedic (we go later today). My daughter is on crutches – frustrated she can’t do her normal activities. Angry she is missing a competition this weekend. Worried what the orthopedic will say.

Yet this is what I know.

Not think.


Psalm 97 begins, “The Lord reigns…”

Because He reigns in full authority over everything on earth (and the universe), I can rest in Him and take comfort He is working out everything for His glory and my daughter’s good.

Verse 10 of this Psalm states the Lord guards the souls of His godly ones.

What assurance!
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Mamas and daddies – no matter how much we desire guarding our children from harm – protecting them from all the evil in the world – we can’t.

We are not that powerful.

There was absolutely nothing I could have done differently to save my daughter from this physical injury.

I trust God.

I’m comforted by Him – because He knows what it’s like to have a hurt child.

He watched His child mocked – beaten – killed.

He made the choice to give His child for us.

And though for reasons unknown the Lord allowed my child a physical injury, He is guarding her soul.

And nothing can harm her soul.

She is forever protected by the One who loves her even more than I do.

So no matter the outcome with the doctor today – The Lord reigns.

And I am thankful.


1. Read Genesis 34.

a. What is buried and why?

2. Read Jeremiah 43.

a. What is buried and why?

3. Read Ephesians 3: 14-21.

a. Do you know Christ this way?

i. If yes, pray these verses to Him in thanks.

ii. If no, allow us to help you know Him.

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