January 11, 2018

Curiosity Did What? {Week 1}


You’ve heard the old saying, “Curiosity killed the cat?”

As a young child I heard this often when my questions became an annoyance or I was snooping around a Christmas tree.

I must admit, it didn’t hinder me much; if anything, I was more curious than ever.

What makes you curious?

Maybe the better question is, “Are you ever curious?’

Not the kind of curious where you Google a recipe or find out the song title to the lyrics stuck in your head.

I’m talking about a curiousness that requires hours of reading, pondering, digging and searching…..

Curiousness that requires personal effort and time…

Did you know “curiosity killed the cat” is not even the original phrasing of this idiom?  The phrase was “Care killed the cat” where care meant worry or sorrow.

In 1598, Ben Johnson penned the line in his poem “Everyman in His Humour.”

Helter skelter, hang sorrow, care’ll kill a Cat, up-tails all, and a Louse for the Hangman.

Shakespeare followed suit in his play “Much Ado About Nothing.”

What, courage, man! What though care killed a cat? Thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care.


It wasn’t until 1898 in the Galveston Daily News that curiosity received the blame for the poor cat’s demise.

Whichever way the phrase is used, it clearly was meant to discourage inquisitiveness.

Current research indicates a growing stagnation in our curiosity – in our world of instant gratification (“Alexa tell me….”), there is no longer the same desire to invest time searching in-depth for information.

We are losing our desire to question.

Strange questions, yet I have spent worthwhile time with them.  And I suggest them to you also, that your spirit grow in curiosity….”  Mary Oliver

This is my prayer for each of us.

Be curious.

Ask the strange questions – lots of strange questions.

Dig for what you do not know.

Quit being satisfied with the knowledge you already possess.

Find what interests you and discover everything you can about it.

If curiosity is going to kill the cat, make it worth it!


*We at Blessedmess.us would love to hear from you and what makes you curious.  Feel free to comment with questions you’re currently asking or topics you’re digging into right now.





  • Read Romans 7: 7-25
    • List everything Paul says about the Law
      • Note – Mosaic law in verses 7 – 21.
      • Principles (law) in verses 22 – 25.

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    • How does the law in 22 – 25 differ from the Law in 7 – 21?
  • Read Romans 15: 1-8 and Romans 16: 17-20.
    • How Is Paul ministering to Christians in these passages?
      • Which statement stands out to you?
        • Spend some time digging into the statement.
          • What is the context?
          • Is there a word or phrase that impacts you?

About theblessedmess

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