October 1, 2016

El Elyon {Names of God: Week 5}


What comes to our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”  A W Tozer

This quote has plagued my thoughts lately.  What DOES come to my mind when I think of God?  How often does He come to mind?  And just when I start experiencing emotions making me feel inadequate in my thoughts of Him, I encounter someone like Lot- a beautiful example of God’s complete grace and guidance.  A man going where he should not have gone (more than once) and still arriving at the spot God told him to go.  Reading Peter’s writing in 2 Peter 2: 4-10 describing Lot as a righteous man encourages those of us who have fallen short a time or two.  This is the comfort we have in El Elyon – God Most High.  When He has proper placement in our lives, our paths are straight.  But this is the tricky part – wrestling with all our worldly resources to allow the one and only Source to reside as Most High in the day to day moments.  Like Lot, we are often taken captive by pressing issues or people in our world.  And when God sends someone to rescue us, we return to what we know instead of breaking the cycle and placing El Elyon in the position belonging only to Him. And the question returns – what comes to mind when we think about God….


Tozer gives 7 questions to help us discern El Elyon’s priority in our lives.  Spend some time asking the Lord to reveal the true answers to these questions and how to make sure He is the highest priority in your life.

  1. What do I want most?
  2. What do I think about most?
  3. How do I use my money?
  4. How do I spend my leisure time?
  5. What company do I enjoy?
  6. Who and what do I admire?
  7. What do I laugh at?

Now, take these same seven questions and answer them for Abram (Abraham) and Lot.  Make sure to use scripture to support the answers.  Which one do you relate with more?


>>>Feeling ambitious?

Look up the meaning of each name below.  Is there any significance to the name meaning and the situation occurring in Genesis 14?




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King of Bela


#Names of God#RealLife:InDepth#RealLife4Women
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