November 5, 2016

Jehovah Shophet {Names of God: Week 10}


Judgmental? I’m guilty!

You name it, and I probably have a thought or two to share.  Yet most of the time, the judgments are about myself. Growing up, life was not this way.  Children were seen and not heard and the women were quiet homemakers with little input to add in discussions outside of recipes, dance costumes, and laundry.  In school, we simply regurgitated information given to us by our teacher.  But somewhere during high school, the message began to change.  Suddenly we were told our voice mattered and what we thought had some validity. In college, an even stronger message was taught; not only did we have a voice, but we needed to stop allowing others in society to marginalize us.

With this new voice came an increasingly judgmental mindset.  At twenty years old I still judged myself harshly, but now I was convinced I knew how to solve all the problems of the world. And everyone needed to hear about it.  Funny how no matter what age we are, we can still have that twenty year old mind set. Our way is the right way – the only way.

But there is truly only one right way, and that is God’s way.  From Genesis to Revelation, He shares with us the exact way we should look at every situation.   And if we are following His directions, our voice truly does matter – the voice in our own head, and the voice we share with others.  What He leads us to share with our voice IS beneficial, because we are guiding others to the One who is the true Judge.



  • Read Mark 7:1-13.
    • Make a list of the Pharisees’ complaints. How does Jesus respond to the complaints?
    • Focus on verse 9. Are there traditions within the church you cling to because they are your preference, yet they have no scriptural foundation? Prayerfully seek God’s guidance in answering this one.

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  • Read John 8:1-11. Refer to Lev. 20:10 and Deut. 22:22
    • How does Jesus respond to the judgments brought against this woman?
    • What example does this provide us in going to another Christian in love?
      • Carefully consider, “Sin no more.”

Feeling ambitious?

  • What are the first 5 judgements in the Bible?
    • What judgment is made?
    • Who is making the judgment?
    • Who receives the judgment?
    • What is the outcome?

About theBlessedMess

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