January 11, 2018

Curiosity Did What? {Week 1}


You’ve heard the old saying, “Curiosity killed the cat?”

As a young child I heard this often when my questions became an annoyance or I was snooping around a Christmas tree.

I must admit, it didn’t hinder me much; if anything, I was more curious than ever.

What makes you curious?

Maybe the better question is, “Are you ever curious?’

Not the kind of curious where you Google a recipe or find out the song title to the lyrics stuck in your head.

I’m talking about a curiousness that requires hours of reading, pondering, digging and searching…..

Curiousness that requires personal effort and time…

Did you know “curiosity killed the cat” is not even the original phrasing of this idiom?  The phrase was “Care killed the cat” where care meant worry or sorrow.

In 1598, Ben Johnson penned the line in his poem “Everyman in His Humour.”

Helter skelter, hang sorrow, care’ll kill a Cat, up-tails all, and a Louse for the Hangman.

Shakespeare followed suit in his play “Much Ado About Nothing.”

What, courage, man! What though care killed a cat? Thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care.


It wasn’t until 1898 in the Galveston Daily News that curiosity received the blame for the poor cat’s demise.

Whichever way the phrase is used, it clearly was meant to discourage inquisitiveness.

Current research indicates a growing stagnation in our curiosity – in our world of instant gratification (“Alexa tell me….”), there is no longer the same desire to invest time searching in-depth for information.

We are losing our desire to question.

Strange questions, yet I have spent worthwhile time with them.  And I suggest them to you also, that your spirit grow in curiosity….”  Mary Oliver

This is my prayer for each of us.

Be curious.

Ask the strange questions – lots of strange questions.

Dig for what you do not know.

Quit being satisfied with the knowledge you already possess.

Find what interests you and discover everything you can about it.

If curiosity is going to kill the cat, make it worth it!


*We at Blessedmess.us would love to hear from you and what makes you curious.  Feel free to comment with questions you’re currently asking or topics you’re digging into right now.





  • Read Romans 7: 7-25
    • List everything Paul says about the Law
      • Note – Mosaic law in verses 7 – 21.
      • Principles (law) in verses 22 – 25.

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    • How does the law in 22 – 25 differ from the Law in 7 – 21?
  • Read Romans 15: 1-8 and Romans 16: 17-20.
    • How Is Paul ministering to Christians in these passages?
      • Which statement stands out to you?
        • Spend some time digging into the statement.
          • What is the context?
          • Is there a word or phrase that impacts you?

January 4, 2018

Letting Go of 2017



Ten minutes – all that is left of 2017.  I sit struggling with mixed emotions as this year slowly drifts into the past making room for a new year of unknowns.  Actually, I’m sitting in the very same location I rang in 2017, but what a difference a year makes…..

Most years I spend focusing on goals or resolutions to attempt in the new year.  Maybe you do that too.

Not this year.

This year end I am taking time to reflect on all this year has taught me and thanking God for His many blessings.

Several huge events occurred in my life this year:

  • Precious friends, my niece and youngest daughter followed the Lord in baptism.
  • I lost 75 pounds.
  • Death and illness invaded our family.
  • Hurricane Harvey brought 3 ½ feet of water in our home.

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Trust me – there was no shortage of opportunities for frustration, bitterness, anger and self-pity.  I would love to share with you that I succeeded beautifully at maintaining a calm and pleasant demeanor while encouraging all of those around me – but I can’t.

At times the stress of another decision, another loss, another hurdle seemed almost unbearable.

Yet each time I felt on the brink of madness, something or someone crossed my path and reminded me God was still in control and was working out everything for good.

So I sit now reflecting on what I’ve learned this year.

This is what I’ve come up with.

I’ve learned (or was reminded) God is 100% faithful in every circumstance and situation.  He truly never leaves us.  There are too many moments to list of His love and sweetness, but I will share one very special moment with you.

We were blessed to return home exactly three months to the day that we had boated out after Harvey.  This happened to fall during the week of Thanksgiving.  There were still numerous projects to complete and a massive amount of cleaning to do.  Holiday seasons I find myself missing my daddy a little more than usual.  I had been thinking about how much I would love to sit and talk with him and get his wisdom on this roller coaster year.

While cleaning out the room where we had stored all the boxes of salvaged flood items, I was relieved to come to the last one.  I didn’t recognize any of the contents of this particular box and sat for a moment to look through it.

The box contained my daddy’s senior high yearbook, some photos, and some yellowed paper brittle with age.  Carefully removing the paper, I discovered I was holding a typed story my daddy had written over 40 years ago.  I had never seen this story, but could certainly imagine him sitting at the old metal manual typewriter; the one where the ribbon was constantly requiring rewinding leaving traces of black sludge on your fingers.     He was the fastest typer I knew and only used his two index fingers.

As I began reading his words, my heart beat a little faster.  He had written this at Thanksgiving time over four decades ago.  I smiled remembering the sweet family time he mentioned.  It felt as if he were writing this just for me – for just this time in my life.  To make it even more relevant in my current life, the story included a specific phrase that was the title of a Bible study I was currently writing.

Of course the story talked about  Jesus, because that is what daddy wanted for anyone he ever met – for them to know Jesus.

And what more is there?

Words of wisdom from daddy – reminding me when we know Jesus, everything will be okay.  Doesn’t mean we won’t go through the hard stuff, but it does mean we won’t go through it alone.

The perfect lesson to end 2017.

I’ve attached daddy’s story in the link below.  Hope you enjoy and feel free to share.


November 18, 2017

Peace {Face2Face: Week 10}



~by Judy Chaney

My first thoughts approaching writing this is that I am certainly not a writer and I don’t really have anything to interest anyone. While thinking about it, we read my “go to” verse in my morning Bible Study class. Philippians 4:6-7 has carried me through many trials.

“Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” (Life Application Bible)

I came to depend on this verse during a time in my life when I was on an island. I had been put in a place where I did not fit. Because of this, depression set in and I sought the Lord continually. I couldn’t understand why I was so unhappy, but I did know that God loved me.

As I was searching the scriptures I came across Philippians 4:6-7 and memorized it. I checked into the detailed descriptions of what the words truly meant. When I have a crisis in my life, I start repeating this verse and God’s peace comes. In the last two years, my life has drastically changed. I am now a widow and this verse has not stopped continually helping to remind me to lean on God and trust Him completely with everything.



  • Read Obadiah
    • List everything prophesied about Edom.
      • What are the reasons for the judgements?

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    • Where, in your life, do you see traces of Edom?
  • Continue memorizing Exodus 14:13

November 10, 2017

Barrier {Face2Face: Week 9}


by Lindsey Ehle

bar·ri·er (n)

  • a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access
  • a circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progre

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Do you have any of these in your life?

What if it was in reference to God?

I do, but I once had a lot more.

I come from a very long line of addicts. A long line of addicts that have no idea they are addicts. Thanks to God, His grace and this “barrier” word He put in my head 2 years ago, I have been able to WALK THROUGH to the other side of a substance addiction.

Being a single mom is hard, lonely and stressful. Hard and lonely often bring its friend sadness. Sadness and stress led me do things that I THOUGHT would make me feel better. For me, this was drinking to excess, abusing the ADHD medicine I was prescribed or taking various other pills I was prescribed or given. All of these things became a habit for me. A habit that has taken years to overcome. A habit for someone that comes from a long line of addicts most often turns into an addiction because your body becomes chemically dependent on the substance(s). This is me.

Before my husband and I got married, my drinking had gotten pretty bad. The ADHD medicine I took caused a severe come down at the end of the day and I convinced myself drinking helped level me out. This combined with my stress level had me spiraling into a life I have chosen not to remember this specifically in years. The conviction to stop was there, but I just couldn’t make the choice to turn everything around. My life was just too stressful and my future so unknown. Holding onto the promises God had so assuredly spoken into my heart became more and more difficult with each year that went by. There were times I was so angry and hurt that  I now see that God was holding me in the place where I was. When you are in midst of those times, you often can’t see or feel that He is actually holding you. This truth I am realizing even today. Reminiscing can bring so much clarity!

When God brought my husband and I back together, our lives moved very fast. We reconnected in November of 2010 and were married by January of 2011. I got pregnant with our son right after we got married so quitting bad habits weren’t a problem. It wasn’t until I had to go back to work after maternity leave that I began drinking again. This time, my drinking was very controlled. I would have 2 beers per night (at home) and no drunkenness. I wasn’t getting drunk so it had to be ok, right? For some people, it probably would be. For me, it wasn’t. Because of my past, drinking every night gave Satan the foothold he so loved to have in my life. If I wasn’t thinking about the 2 beers I allowed myself every night, I found myself constantly contemplating whether or not I was an alcoholic. Not to mention how ridiculous I felt for all of it! My obsessive thinking was centered around alcohol (when it should be Christ centered) and it wore me out mentally and spiritually…which is exactly where Satan wanted me. He wants us to be ineffective Christians and mothers! This is the pivotal moment when God brought me to a fork in the road. I could continue down the path I had been going and have a meaningful relationship with Him OR I could give up the bad habits and have a relationship with Him BARRIER FREE!!! I wish I could tell you this was an instantaneous life change for me like Paul on the road to Damascus. Ashamedly, it wasn’t, but I so longed for this type of life with Him. So much so, that for the first time in my life I was ready to begin this journey with Him. Isaiah 1:19 says, “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat from the best of the land.” I was willing to be obedient. That willingness is what He was looking for. The willingness to choose Him and He will help with the rest.

Two years ago, in a Bible Study, my teacher said if we tell Satan to get behind us (Matthew 16:23) without saying “in Jesus’ name” the phrase lacks any power. To say I came home angry would be an understatement. I was determined never to step foot in that classroom again! Little did I know, but that night and that verse would help me triumph over every fiery dart Satan throws my way. I realized that every time I had an urge or thought persuading me to give into my sinful desires, saying this verse IN JESUS’ NAME fought the battle for me and helped me find confidence with each victory. Once I found the confidence, I began sharing my struggles with the people God placed in my life who love me, pray for me and continue hold me accountable.

As of today, thoughts of using substances rarely cross my mind. If they do, I say my motto aloud and they pass. Jesus is always there to help me through.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13



  • Read the following covenants found in scripture. Since this is a big assignment, it is the only one for this week.
    • Write out the promise(s) of the covenant.
    • To whom is the covenant given?
    • What action is required with the covenant?
    • How does the covenant apply to your life?
      • Genesis 3: 16-19
      • Genesis 1:26-30 and 2: 16-17
      • Genesis 9
      • Genesis 12: 1-3, 6-7
      • Genesis 13: 14-17
      • Genesis 17: 1-14
      • Genesis 22: 15-18
      • Deut. 11
      • Deut. 30: 1-10
      • 2 Samuel 7: 8-16


November 2, 2017

Control {Face2Face: Week 8}


This time it’s Kelly.

I lead a life that is flurried with struggle. Maybe you do too?

Maybe our struggles are the same, or maybe they are different.

But one thing is the same, Christ overcame them on the cross. For each of us. Individually, and we read this in Isaiah this week.

It’s been about a decade since I was diagnosed with OCD. With that diagnosis came intense relief, and yet intense fear as well. How do I cope with this? How will it manifest? After therapy, and psychologists and medicine (best choice for ME) I was able to finally place my feet on solid ground. This was of course with a lot of prayer, community, trust, and faith.

After that initial breakthrough and prevailing success- I was very unprepared for a second bout with this ugly thorn about a year later. But it came. And God delivered me through it. Only through Him, I tell you though. And then a third bout. And a fourth. And a fifth. And by now I’ve lost count.

Life has become more difficult and yet so much sweeter with a husband and toddler now in the mix. I have more responsibility, more love, and more to fear.

I’m in the middle of one of those lost-count-bouts now. One that brings with it waves of emotions and lots of tears. With fears controlling my thoughts and my mind having the diagnosed inability to let go- I forcibly remind myself of all that God has done. Because for all those battles that I’ve been through and lost count, God has delivered me every time. He’s delivered me so many times that I’ve LOST COUNT. What a praise that is.

With the tears that sometimes run like a faucet, I tell myself this is how I will make room. I get rid of those tears that hold fear and unknown and tomorrow and I make room for Him. For His promises. For His daily manna, enough just for today.

In Isaiah we read about all the sin that Christ bore, to redeem us. “He was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

I belong to him. I am healed through him. The fears that I let sometimes have control are why he died. He bought me with a price, and I will not allow the fears that Satan whispers to keep me silent about who God is and what He has done for me. I will not forget that He is faithful.  I will not be like an Israelite who doubted the promises and forgot the deliverance that their God continually provided. With this affliction comes great opportunity. I will choose undoubtedly, to be reminded of Him and to tell others of his unfailing love.

Sometimes when I’m struggling I’ll choose an anthem full of God’s promises to strengthen me. Almost like a musical altar, built to remember what God has done so as time passes and I hear that song again, I am reminded of His great love and faithfulness. Here is the song God provided this time:


Control by Tenth Avenue North

Here I am
All my intentions
All my obsessions
I want to lay them all down
In Your hands
Only Your love is vital
Though I’m not entitled
Still You call me Your childGod You don’t need me
But somehow You want me
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go
God You don’t need me
But somehow You want me
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control
I give You control

I’ve had plans
Shattered and broken
Things I have hoped in
Fall through my hands
You have plans
To redeem and restore me
You’re behind and before me
Oh help me believe

God You don’t need me
But somehow You want me
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go, oh
God You don’t need me
But somehow You want me
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control

Oh You want me
Somehow You want me
The King of Heaven wants me
So this world has lost it’s grip on me

God You don’t need me
But somehow You want me
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go, oh
God You don’t need me
But somehow You want me
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control
I give You control

Oh, give You control
Oh I want to give You control
I give You control

Oh You want me
Somehow You want me
The King of Heaven wants me
So this world has lost it’s grip on me

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  • Read Isaiah 53:9 and Hebrews 12:2
    • How do these two verses relate to one another?
    • What is our role in these verses?
  • Read Hebrews 9: 1-28
    • Specifically focus on what Christ did and why.
    • Write out how this chapter supports Isaiah 53.
    • How can you apply these scriptures to your life right now?

Feeling Ambitious?

  • Read the following scriptures. List every detail given in these scriptures.
    • Matthew 27:45
    • Mark 15:33
    • Luke 23: 44-45
  • Using your concordance, look up scriptures concerning darkness.
  • Based on your study, what occurred during the three hours of darkness on the cross?
    • Try not to use any outside resources other than a concordance and your Bible.


October 28, 2017

Shut Up and Go Forward {Face2Face: Week 7}


Do you ever find yourself investing time in regret?  Frequently looking back on decisions made, words not spoken, and long lists of ‘should haves’?  I’ve discovered myself engaging in these kinds of thoughts a lot lately; beating myself up over things that have already happened which I no longer have any control to impact or change.

This is not a new problem though.  Actually these same doubts and regrets have existed for centuries.  Take the Israelites for example. In Exodus 14, they are finally headed out of Egypt – out of bondage, slavery and oppression.  Verse 8 tells us they even went out boldly.  They were marching out of the land with some strength .

Then, just two verses later, the Israelites make the mistake we all at times tend to make – they looked back.  In looking back, they see the Egyptian army chasing after them.  The boldness they were experiencing evaporates, and they begin crying out to the Lord.  If only they could just have stopped after crying out to Him!

They don’t.

Oh no.  Next they do what so many of us do when faced with fear – they complained.

Why?  Why did you do this to us?  Didn’t you hear us say ‘leave us alone’?

How many times have you and I asked these same questions?

The Israelites receive two instructions after their tantrum: shut up (v.14) and go forward (v. 15).

That’s it.

Don’t worry about looking back.  You are not there anymore.  Don’t fret over what has already taken place.  Keep your mouth shut and keep moving forward.

God will take care of everything else.

He had already been doing this.

Verse 19 says an angel of God had been going before the camp.  The Israelites had a guide leading the way.  But remember, they looked back; they took their eyes off the guide.

As the Israelites refocus the angel of God moves from before them to behind them, (v. 19).  With the Egyptians blocked, by God Himself, from their pursuit, the Israelites travel through the midst on dry ground in safety.  The Egyptians travel into the midst and are completely destroyed.

Don’t miss that.

The Israelites – when their focus was back on God and His direction – are brought through the midst.

This is the same for us.  If we will keep our eyes and hearts focused on the only One knowing the way we should go and follow Him in obedience, He will take us through any midst we encounter.

His instructions are simple and clear.

Keep silent.  Go forward.

Let’s give it a try…..




  • Read Ezekiel 34: 23-24; 37: 24-25; and Hosea 3:5
    • How do these verses relate to Isaiah 11:1?
    • What is revealed about Jesus to you?

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  • How does Isaiah 11: 6-9 compare with Romans 8: 18-25?
    • How do these passages apply to your life?


Feeling ambitious?

  • Read Exodus 25: 31-40
    • List each instruction separately.
      • Research each piece listed and write out the significance of each piece.
  • Now read Revelation 1: 10-12; 20
    • How does this tie in to the passage from Exodus?

NOTE:  Use a Bible Dictionary instead of commentaries the first time through.  See what is revealed to you before seeing what is revealed to someone else.

October 20, 2017

Can You Survive God’s Blessings? {Face2Face: Week 6}


Can you survive God’s blessings?

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A precious friend asked this question the other day and my mind’s been working overtime since.  I had been sharing recent frustrations around post Harvey clean-up and rebuild.  See if this sounds more like whining and complaining:

The construction on the rebuild was not going fast enough.

Trying to locate flooring was time consuming.

Insurance was too tedious.

Shoes I wanted to wear floated away.

The list goes on and on…

Shameful isn’t it?

Thankfully God has a way of giving some perspective in my ugly moments.

On a morning walk, I bumped into a fellow displaced neighbor. Conversation began as it normally does now in our community, “Where are you in the rebuild?”

Without a second thought, I shared the progress we were making in the 7 weeks since Harvey made landfall. With each update, my neighbor’s sweet face fell a little more since she had not begun any of the rebuild and was still in the insurance process.

People had mentioned survivor’s guilt to me, because their homes didn’t flood.  Now I was experiencing rebuilder’s guilt. Guilt nudging me to vow a new attitude of thankfulness.

That was short lived….

Cleaning our flooded home of sheetrock debris and flood water residue seemed a great idea while shopping at Lowe’s for masks and cleaning supplies, but actually standing in our home of yuckiness soured our family’s mood quickly. Snippy words and bad attitudes were not in short supply.  The more we scrubbed the floor, the dirtier it looked – so in frustration we called it a day.

Having shared all this with my friend, she asked this thought provoking question, “Can we survive God’s blessings?”

Great question.

Can we live a life content and thankful for each blessing God provides and still hold onto this same contentedness and thankfulness if He chooses to remove blessings? Or do our expectations change as we become comfortable and demanding in the blessings such that resentment sets in when we aren’t receiving what we want or think we deserve?

I was doing a lousy job in the contentment area, but this question provided a much needed reality check.  A reminder to appreciate all the ways God has faithfully provided since Harvey entered our lives – all in His perfect timing.

So here is a question for you…

Can you survive God’s blessings?




  • Read the following scriptures:
    •  Nehemiah 9:26
    •  Rev. 2:23
    •  Numbers 25: 1-9
      • What do these scriptures reveal about the heart?
      •      What motives are given for the actions in these verses?
  • Read Isaiah 9: 9-17
    • Who is to blame for failure in repenting?
    • What is the Lord going to do about this?
  • List 4 sins God judges in the following verses from Isaiah:
    •  9: 9-10
    •  9: 13-21
    •  10: 1-2
  •  What warnings are here for us today?


Feeling ambitious?

  • Read the following passages and record everything you learn about the remnant.
    • 2 Chron. 30:6
    • Isa. 11:11-16
    • Jeremiah 23:3
    • Jeremiah 31:7
    • Jeremiah 40:11
    • Jeremiah 42:1 – 22
    • Micah 2:12
    • Micah 5: 7-9