March 8, 2019

Meeting Ms. Clara


If someone told me when I was a young teenager I would one day stand next to Lisa Whelchel (Blair from The Facts of Life) worshipping in church, I would have rolled my eyes and laughed in their face. Yet on Saturday, this is exactly what happened!

I attended a women’s conference in Monroe, Louisiana – Fresh Grounded Faith. Founded by Jennifer Rothschild- who is also the lead speaker, women attend the two day event for refreshing and equipping.

I have read a couple of Jennifer’s books, but honestly, it was the fact Lisa Whelchel was one of the guest speakers that had me attend. When they announced Friday night Lisa’s plane was delayed and she wouldn’t appear until the next morning, I was a little disappointed.

But not for long.

When looking over my ticket the previous day – making sure everything was okay – another name caught my attention on the guest speaker list. I hadn’t noticed it before, but there it was – Karen Abercrombie.

If you’re not familiar with this name, you should be. Her IMDb is filled with outstanding roles and accomplishments.

One of these is her role as Ms. Clara in War Room.

So on Friday night, when Lisa’s plane was delayed, Karen Abercrombie took the stage. She gave a powerful monologue on the life of Rahab, (Joshua 2: 1-24). The room was completely silent and engaged in her performance.

Not me.

My mind was back in a movie theater – August 28, 2015.

About 20 of us from our women’s Bible study group watched War Room in a sold out theater that evening.

This movie impacted me in two ways: (1) the power of prayer, and (2) the power of investing in others.

Both of these areas were tested for me this particular evening.

God had brought a young woman into my life in the months prior to this night. We had spent a lot of time together in prayer and Bible study. Toward the end of the movie, this young woman asked if we could pray after it was over.


In my head, we were going to circle up outside the theater and pray before everyone went their separate ways.

But as the credits began, this woman came and grabbed my hand – running down the aisle to the front of the theater. She began yelling for no one to leave – and said I was going to pray over the room.

Uhm – didn’t know I had agreed to that!

Sheer panic washed over me. Every thought in my head screamed I could not do this.

Yet, the woman beside me believed I could.

So I prayed.

No idea what was said.

I cried all the way home – not the solitary tear finding its way down my check, but the gasping for air, loud sobbing cries of a life changed – for the better. I knew without a doubt I wanted this kind of relationship with the Lord. I wanted moments I could not possibly live out on my own. Moments where He was the only way through. I wanted markers in my life – and this was a definite marker.

When Karen Abercrombie took the stage, I was reminded of that moment and all the moments since.

As our Friday night ended – Ms. Clara took the stage once again – but this time in full costume – and prayed over us the ending prayer of War Room.

You know the tears came. Tears of joy at the faithfulness of God – the crazy, messy adventure we live together.

Lisa Whelchel did arrive Saturday – and there we were just a few seats apart worshipping the Lord together. And I got to meet her and chat for a few minutes. We took the photo op. And it was a wonderful experience I’ll cherish.

But a memory is not a marker, and I want my life filled with markers – moments that have impact for His kingdom. Markers displaying love and investment in others. Markers only He can create, and I surrender to Him.

Markers where others will hopefully say, “That’s when I met the Lord.”

For more information on Fresh Grounded Faith, visit


1. Read 1 Kings 2: 2-4.

  • David provides final for his son Solomon – personal advice.
  • Make a list of the advice given.
        • Find and write out 5 scriptures to help you in this area.

2. Read 1 Kings 2: 5-9.

  • David also gives political advice. Which situation is most familiar to you? Give this situation over to the Lord in prayer.

3. Spend the next 7 days reading Psalm 21.

  • Write it.
  • Pray it.
  • Ponder it.
  • Make notes on it.
  • Feel free to share insights with us.