April 26, 2019

What About Day Two????


A week ago today, many of us paused our normal Friday routines remembering a sacrifice offered willingly on a cross.  On Sunday, we rejoiced – greeting one another with a familiar, “He is risen!”

But what about Saturday?  

The day in-between death and resurrection.

On the first Good Friday, crowds gathered witnessing the death of Jesus – many of the women who followed him watched from a distance, (Matthew 27:55).  His mother stood by the cross with the disciple Jesus loved, (John 19: 26).

They grieved as He proclaimed, “It is finished,” (John, 19:30). Then some of the women followed His lifeless body to a tomb and watched it sealed shut, (Matthew, 27:61).

All hope appeared lost.  

One of His closest disciples, Peter, denied knowing Him three times – many others scattered out of fear.

Then Saturday – the Sabbath – they rested.

I wonder how much rest really occurred in the midst of such overwhelming grief and confusion?

Yet the law did not allow any activity on this day.

The third day – some of the women got up early – with the sun – and headed to the tomb. They questioned one another how the sealed stone could be removed for them to anoint Jesus’ body.  

But God had already gone before them and taken care of the stone.  When the women arrived, the stone had been rolled away by an earthquake, (Matthew 28:2).

The body was gone.

One of the women, Mary Magdalene, wept bitterly.  Where had they taken Jesus’ body?

A man appeared before her – she assumed the gardener, because that made sense.  

A gardner at this time of morning was normal.


The man asked Mary two questions, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking,” (John 20:15)?

The man = Jesus.

Mary, overjoyed, clung to Him.  He told her to go tell the others.  Obediently she ran and told the disciples.

Some of them hurried to the tomb to see for themselves.  Verifying the tomb was indeed empty, they parted from one another going returning to their own homes.

To ponder?

To reflect back on His words?

Day one and day three – filled with activity.

But day two….

Lifeless. Inactive.

How many of us dwell in day two?

Our minds continue questioning Jesus’ sacrifice – did He really do this thing?  Does His sacrifice truly cover my sins? Did He defeat death?

Or maybe we live in a state of hopelessness completely missing out on the power of His resurrection available to us.

Possibly we spend our days still seeking something to fill the void – make us whole. A void He alone can fill.

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Day two is a lonely day.

 A day with the body of Jesus in a sealed tomb.  


He’s not there – He is risen, (Luke 24:5)!

There was a day three.

Believe it.

Live it.

Rejoice in it.


Read Matthew 24.

    Write out everything Jesus says in this chapter.

    Write out a personal response to each of the things He says.

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